Chapter 5

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Raven's POV

Melvin had fallen asleep on what used to be my bed, and Timmy and Teether retreated to their own bed in Cyborg's and Robin's old rooms. Starfire's room was destroyed because she was angry and couldn't control herself when she found out about Robin's murder. This left me roomless. Gar was in his room and Terra in a room of her own.

Gar and I quietly left Melvin's room and we stood there for a couple of seconds and then I finally said, "I guess I'll go into the common room." I started towards the Commons room, but Gar grabbed my wrist.

"Rae, I have a bunk bed. You could sleep on bottom or top if you like." He said with a serious expression.

I looked into his green eyes, seeing if this was a joke, I shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

His face lit up a little, and we started going to his room. "So, Rae? Did you ever like, like someone?"

"No, after what happened with Malchior, I couldn't deal with it much. But I do have hope. Maybe, if I meet the right person."

"What if the right person is someone you couldn't see yourself with in a million years?"

I chuckled, "I don't know. Love is such a strange thing. I'm not even sure if that's what I felt for Malchior. I guess with him, it was the need to have someone to talk to and someone to understand me that drove me to think it was love."

"So, you may have never loved him? You just thought it was?"

"Maybe, I'm not sure. But that betrayal, I never want to feel that again. It hit me hard. That was the second time, and I really hope there isn't a third."

Gar smiled and then suddenly hugged me. It took me a second to realize what was happening, but then I wrapped my arms around him and gently squeezed. His cheek lying in my head. He was taller, it wasn't fair.

"I forgot to do this when you hugged me, I was shocked." He said and held me at arm's length, "You've never hugged anyone before, so I was surprised I received the first hug you've ever gave anyone. Even when Starfire hugged you, you didn't hug back. I guess I want to make that up."

I smiled, "It's fine, Gar. I understand, you were surprised. I would be too. But thanks for telling me those words. I forgot them after a while."

Gar opened his door and we stepped inside his room, which was surprisingly clean, "We need to figure out a way to put you back in the past. Maybe then, Beast Boy would have the chance to tell you his feelings."

I gave him a look, "What?"

He smiled, "My secret Rae. You just have to wait until you go back."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

His smile turned into a grin, "You and your smart mouth. What would I do without it?"

"Well, you survived ten years of it being gone."

"Yeah, but I missed it. I missed you, like I said before."

I smiled and rested my head against his shoulder, "Sorry, but once I go back, it'll all be like normal. No more Slade or his stupid robots. It'll be all of us together again. I promise."


Changeling's POV

I smiled against her hair. I hope this is different when she goes back. Maybe we'll be together, like a couple. Like Star and Robin were. I wonder how Cy and Star would react if they saw Raven right now. I caught the scent of lavender and chamomile tea, her scent, I sniffed it, Ahh, how I've missed this smell.

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