Chapter 4

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My kids were here! Why didn't Gar and Terra tell me? I need to see them. I ran down the hallway and noticed that the voice was coming from my room. I quickly opened it and stared at the scene in front of me.

Melvin, Teether, Timmy were all arguing. Melvin was complaining about a stain on her shirt, while Timmy and Teether were arguing about who's turn it was to watch TV. Melvin was now sixteen, she was wearing a white shirt with a pink M on it, a pink ascot, and a pink skirt, Timmy, fifteen, was wearing a uniform, it was all black, except for a dark pink that was in the form of a T and he had gloves in the same color, and Teether, twelve, was wearing Gar's old uniform. It was completely the same except Teether wore a mask that showed his baby blue eyes. My kids were all grown up.

Melvin saw me first, she blinked many times before believing I was really there, "Raven!" She shouted with glee and ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

I returned the hug just a tight, "Melvin. My Azar, you're older."

Melvin had tears in her eyes.

Timmy and Teether finally looked at me and they both dropped the control instantly and ran over to me and cried my name, "Raven!" Teether dropped himself into my arms, Timmy wrapped his arms around my neck. Melvin was holding onto my waist. They were all holding on to me as if I would disappear the next minute.

I heard Gar laughed softly, while Terra said, "Aww."

"Raven, is it really you?" Melvin asked.

"Yes, Mel. I'm sorry I left you. All of you. Hey, where's Bobby?"

"He's hiding from them two. He smells like an animal and she just scares him because he saw her eyes turn yellow." Melvin explained gesturing towards Gar and Terra.

"Can he show himself to me, at least?" I asked.

Melvin nodded, "Bobby? Bobby, Raven's here."

I started to cradle Teether in my arms, naturally. With my other hand I ruffled Timmy's red hair.

Then I saw a huge shadow over us. I looked up and sure enough, Bobby was there. He smiled and hugged me. I tried to hug back, but Teether and Timmy wouldn't let me go. I looked at Bobby apologetically. He flicked his wrists as if to say whatever. Melvin smiled and whispered into Bobby's ear. He smiled showing his rows of razor sharp teeth and then he lifted me and the boys onto his shoulder. Melvin climbed up to his other and they started to play.

I noticed Gar and Terra looking at us strangely. I then remembered, that they couldn't see Bobby. They must think we're just levitating in the air. I told Timmy and Teether to let me talk to Gar and Terra for a second. They nodded and continued playing with Bobby. I jumped off his shoulder and walked up to Gar and Terra. "Don't worry, it took me a while before I could see him. He's just scared. That's all."

"I've never seen them so happy. They really love you, Rae." Gar noted.

I looked back to my kids, "And I love them. They're basically my kids. I can't believe they didn't cross my mind when I came into the future. I feel like a bad—wow, was I just about to say mother?"

"That's what you basically are to us, Raven. We love you like children would love their mother." Melvin said.

I smiled and she hugged me again, burying her head into my shoulder. "And I love all of you. That means you too, Gar and Terra."


Changeling's POV

When she said she loved us all, my heart fluttered, but then I thought about it, she loved us as family. Of course, no one would love an animal like you, you big idiot.

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