My phone rings , startling me awake. I pick it up.
"Hello." I yawn.
"Hey sleepy. " Sam replies.
"What are you doing calling me at 5am in the morning." I say annoyed that
I had been pulled away from my beauty sleep.
"I'm coming to your hotel. " Sam responds.
"You don't know my room number." I say intelligently.

Sams POV: I get to the hotel Cora is staying at. I enter the lobby . "
"Hey , could you tell me what room Cora Grey is staying?" I ask the man behind the desk.
"Sorry sir I can't give that information out." He answers.


Since Sam rang me stupidly early I couldn't get back to sleep. I make a coffee and sit at the breakfast bar in my room.

There's a knock at the door.
"I didn't order anything." I call out before opening the door.
"You sure you didn't order a plate of sexy." Sam say.
"How the hell." I say, I pull on his hoodie to make sure no one has chance to see him . "How did you find my room?" I question.
"A hundred dollars goes a long way." Sam chuckles seizing my hips.

Smut warning

Our lips crash into each other . Sam picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. He sits me on the breakfast bar. The kiss deepens . Sam unravels the bow of my night gown and slips it off my shoulders leaving me in my underwear. He picks me up again and takes me to the bed, he places me down. I pull his t shirt over his head . Sam's ice cold hand strokes the side of my body, before grasping at my hip. I don't hesitate to unbutton his black skinny jeans and they join the mountain of clothes in the corner.

Time goes by , Sam and I are lay flustered after our rondez vu.
"Sam we have to stop this I'm in love with Corbin." I say strongly as I can.
"And I'm in love with Katrina." Sam replies.
"Then we agree that this won't happen again." I say.

I get out of bed and retrieve my clothes. My phone starts to ring. It's my boss.
" Hey India, what's up." I answer.
"Robert Downy Jr has cancelled tomorrow's interview." She huffs. "Not that you would be very useful." She adds crushing the little self esteem I had left. I finish our conversation and hang up.

" What did she want." Sam asks.
"She just wanted to tell me tomorrow's interview is cancelled , banishing my confidence in the process.
"You seriously need to go work for a different publishers , she treats you like shit." Sam says.

The next day, considering I had no work to do today so I join Sam and Colby on an adventure. "Wassup guys it's Sam and Colby." Colby screams.
"And today we're joined by a childhood friend , Cora Grey, we are heading over to some silos." Sam explains.

After a miles walk we were now circling two tall structures.
"Guys I think I may have found our way in." Colby exclaims. He points to a large hole in the thin sheet of metal covering one of the windows.

Sam decides to go in first. He quickly realised that his jeans are one second from ripping so he gets Colby to help him. I go next then Colby.
"Dude need you to get that." He says pointing out that his jeans had also gotten caught on the sharp metal. Sam helped him out .
"Who brings their wallet to a bando?" Sam questions when he notices the huge bulge in Colby's pocket.
"You never know there could be a lovely café in here." Colby says in a sarcastic tone. I let out a laugh.

We walk around looking at the graffiti that plastered the walls .
"Looks like Elton's already been here." Colby says guiding our attention to neon yellow letters spelling send it. We go up three flights of stairs, all we find is a door. "Did we just unintentionally find access to the roof ?" I question. "Yes , and we decided not to even mention the roof because of how decrepit it is, we just didn't want to risk it ." Sam clarifies.

"What's the harm in taking a look." Colby says , and before either me or Sam could respond he kicks the door open. The first thing my eyes fall upon a huge hole in the middle of the ground . We walk around on the roof making sure to stay close to the wall.
"Sam, Cora ." Colby says and points at a ladder leading up to the highest part of the silo.
"Dude, that would be so elite if we get up there." Sam says in a cheery tone.

We turn the camera off so we could figure out how big of a risk we where willing to take.
"I'm glad I put my walking shoes on." I remark.

A lot of deliberating later.
"Right guys we've been talking for a little while, and we're starting to get cold. But we've decided to film on our phones from now on and go up the ladders." Sam explains to the viewers. We start climbing.

Colby, Sam and I are half way up the some what rusted ladder. We started getting sweaty.
"How are you Cora ?" Sam asks looking over his shoulder at me .
" I' m not gonna need to do cardio for the rest of the year." I respond. We laugh.

Finally we get to the top. There was no where to go , it was one giant hole. We sat around the edge our legs stupidly dangling no care for mortality. We took instergramer esk photos whilst chatting about why we do stupid crazy things .

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