Chapter 5

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I was back from Washington. Sam and I had broken our deal of no sneaking around almost instantly. We'd seen each other twice this week  already . 

Right now I was lay next to Corbin.
"Since you've been  busy with work recently, I was thinking I could take you out tonight, you deserve it." Corbin says.
"That would be lovely, thank you." I reply.

I go home to freshen up. Once showered and dressed I have 30 minutes to spare, so I go into the living room where I find Devyn typing rapidly on her phone.                                                           
  "Hey." I say getting her attention.                                                                                                    
 "Oh gosh I forgot I had a roommate." Devyn says sarcastically.                                        
 "Very funny." I fake pout.                                                                                                                
" Well considering you exist, Tara has invited us at the moon club." Devyn informs me .
 I check my phone calendar.                                                                                  
"I'll be there ." I say.                                           

30 minutes  passed . I said goodbye to Devyn and drive to Corbin's. When I get there he's already waiting at the bottom of his drive. He hops in and kisses my cheek before putting his seatbelt on. 

A few minutes later, we get to the restaurant we had chosen. We go inside.         " Reinhardt." Corbin informs the waiter. He shows us to our table. The waiter takes our drink orders, I order a glass of red wine.

" Can you believe it's been a year today since we started dating." Corbin announces. 
" Oh my god , I totally forgot, I'm so sorry." I apologise.
I couldn't believe  how fast the time had gone .                                                                                               
"It's understandable, you've been busy." Corbin reasons. 

We dig into our dinner , whilst  reminiscing our favourite memories togher. 

After paying the bill, we walk out to a dim lit street. Corbin wraps his arms around my waist, he leans in his soft lips touch mine. We both move in sync, Corbin's cologne intoxicates my senses. Suddenly he pulls away.                                                                                                                               
"What do you say we carry this on  at home?" He  questions .
I agree and we make our way to my car. 

Smut warning ⚠️ 

Once we get to mine and Devyn's apartment , I check if she's in. I find her watching night time cartoons. Corbin and I quickly run past to my room. 

I turn my speakers on and blast  cotton candy by Yungblud. The bass reverberates through the entire apartment.

I lightly  push Corbin to the bed , before straddling him. Our lips connected for a second time. I gently bite his bottom lip causing him to moan softly. I slowly unbutton his shirt teasing him, I throw it into the abyss of my room. Shortly my dress ends up in the same abyss. Corbin flips us over , his toned body loomed over me . His lips suck at my neck, making me gasp . They travel to my collar bone . My back slightly arches, Corbin takes this opportunity to unclip my laced bra revealing my breasts. 

After a while , we lay there breathless .                                                                                        
 "Well that was amazing." Corbin exclaims.                                                                              
"It really was . " I acknowledge .                                                                                              
 My phone pings, ruining the moment.

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