Chapter 4

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I'd had enough of working in the office, so I was extremely happy to hear that I had been nominated by the whole office to go to Washington DC to do some interviews.

"I'm so sad I can't come with you, but I have coaching all week." Corbin says as he drives me to the airport .

We get to the airport . Corbin takes out my suitcase from the trunk and passes it to me . We hug , Corbin's head falls on mine.
"Have a great time ." He says. I kiss his cheek and walk into the airport.

I get on the plane and listen to music. Very early on sleep consumes me.

I land , I grab my luggage and call for an uber to take me to my hotel. When I get to my hotel I go straight to bed.

The next day. I get dressed in denim shorts and a white t - shirt. I go next door and grab a coffee and hash browns for on the go.

After breakfast I get an uber and get ready for the two hour journey to meet my first interviewees. Today I was interviewing the guys of 5sos to talk about how the ' meet you there' tour was going.

Two hours later I get to the hotel lobby. Four guys where sat on a sofa. I go and join them . They introduce themselves as Luke , Ash, Calum and Michael. It didn't take long for me to feel comfortable with the guys and the interview goes amazing

Once I was finished with todays interview, I go window shopping. All of a sudden I pass my fave shop, Anne summers. I go inside. Obviously my heart wins and I end up buying some lingerie.

I get back to my hotel room and decide to try on my new emerald and black trim Bra and Panties. Perfect fit. I throw a long shirt over the top and make myself a coffee before starting my first draft.

Once I had finished, I sent off my draft. I turn my phone off of 'do not disturb'. As soon as I lay down and relax my phone blows up with texts.

Corbin: How'd your first day go.
Cora: Great thanks.

Kat: Hey beautiful.
Cora: How are U?
Kat; Good thanks , Sam and Colby are going to Washington to explore .

What, I thought. I quickly scroll down hundreds of messages until I find Sam's name.

Sam: Me and Colby are hitting some abandoned places in Washington.

Cora: we both know why you chose Washington this week.

Sam: Not just that Cora, how cool would it be for you to come xplr with us . You can even write an article about it for work.

Cora: fine only cause I haven't explored with you guys since Kansas.

I go through the rest of my notifications. It starts getting late , I switch the long top with my new Ann summers night gown and turn off the lights before getting into bed and falling asleep.

Sam's POV: I managed to get the name of Cora's hotel from Corbin without any suspicions. Colby and I landed in Washington. We where so tired that we ended up going to sleep at 5pm.

12 hours later, I wake up at 5am . I text Colby.

Sam: Going for a walk meet with you later.

I walk outside , the fresh morning breeze hits my face. I take my phone out of my pocket and call Cora.


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