A Fight and A Promise

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They stare at me. I pull the covers away and look down. My legs look normal. But I can't feel them. They're not numb. Numbness is totally different. "I can't feel them. I can't move them. What's happening to me?" My voice rises steadily nearly reaching a scream. Mom's by my side giving me a sideways hug. Dianna calls the doctor. She walks in. She checks my legs and moves them around a bit. "We'll do some x-rays. For your legs, neck, back and head too." She says. "What's wrong, Doc?" Dad asks. "She probably hit her spinal chord somewhere and it caused her not just to be unable to move her neck probably, but may have also paralyzed her legs. It may be temporary. We have to be sure of how much damage. And, your head was hit hard since you fell without arm support. We have to check that too." She says slowly turning to look at me. "You're a living miracle. Let's hope God does another few miracles in you." She says with a warm smile. I try to smile back. She leaves the room with Dianna following. The room falls silent as mom continues to hug me and dad and Gabe look at me. I can't read their expressions. But I know they're struggling with what to say. I hear my mom starting to pray. She prays for healing, protection, guidance, and then she speaks in tongues. Tears flood down my face as I feel something fill the room.

"Holy Spirit. You are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere." I sing through the tears. I feel the Holy Spirit filling the room and joy and peace flow through me, through my veins, and to every cell in my body. "Thank You, Lord." I pray looking up to the ceiling. I cry with tears of joy now. Looking on the bright side. I may be physically hurt, real bad. But I'm alive. And I have my family. And I have God. I smile at the thought as my parents' and brother's voices fill the room as they continue to sing.

"I believe You're my Healer. I believe, You are all I need. I believe You're my portion. I believe You're more than enough for me. Jesus, You're all I need." My mom and I start singing this song and my dad and brother join in. Soon, we're singing a playlist of songs that fill us with hope, joy and peace.

A few minutes after, the doctor comes in and we do the x-rays. A few hours later, she comes back into my room and announces the results. "Your legs are paralyzed. Your spine had hit the road first, according to Chris, and then your head. Your neck was affected and so you need to turn your whole body to move as you probably know. Your head is fine. Though it did get hit and lacked oxygen while you were supposedly dead the past three days, it's completely normal. That's a miracle. And you are one lucky girl." She says. "I'm blessed." I say with a smile. She agrees and smiles back. "So I was 'dead' for three days?" I ask in shock. "I thought I was just unconscious." My doctor smiles at me and nods. "Some thought filled me and I decided not to give up on you. I guess that was God talking to me, huh?" She says. I nod happily. She starts talking to my parents and in a matter of minutes, my doctor accepts Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. Such a happy day for her. "I saw Jesus." I say quietly as the room quiets down. Gabe looks at me with an amazed expression. My parents and doctor look at me. Even Dianna looks up from her clipboard. I smile and tell them what happened. They all listen in awe. I smile. Thank You Lord. I pray silently. The presence of the Holy Spirit fills the room once again and we all smile and pray together.

"God, You are the reason we are all alive. You are the reason why Stella survived all this. Thank You. Whatever Your plan is, we know it's far better than what we could ever think. We claim healing for Stella. Thank You for leading Doctor Ramos back to You. We love You and honor You. Amen." Dad prays.

After 3 more days of staying in the hospital, we go home to celebrate Christmas. It was Saturday when the fight happened. And now it's Saturday again. Christmas day. We spent Christmas Eve in the hospital. It was actually pretty sweet. Chris popped in and said he was so sorry. He wasn't used to driving in America. I forgave him of course. We spent all of yesterday together. He bought me roses and lavenders, and hot chocolate. He's actually pretty sweet.

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