Into the Standard dimension

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All was going fine when we arrived to work with Roget but Yugo decided that he'd join us without permission. He ended up sending us to another dimension by accident.

"So, all you have to do is step into this-" Roget was cut off when he noticed Yugo approach a control panel. "Hey, what's this thingy do?" He asked. "Don't touch that!" Roget yelled at him but without thinking twice or at all, he pulled a lever that created a dark purple aura around me and myself and we were sucked into it and before we knew it, we were no longer in the laboratory and were being warped around through a darkness.
"I need enforcements immediately, and this boy taken away!" "Go search for them!"

"Wh- where are we?" I said putting my sore head in my palm. "This is the standard dimension" The other me said. Great, another dimension. "You got your duel disk?" I asked. "Uhh, nope...". Ugh great.

"Let's just go see an acquaintance of mine" He said. "And who would that be?" I asked. "His name is Yuya Sakaki" He told me. Why does everyone have "Yu" at the start of their name? Yuma... I wonder how he's doing right now.

"Let's go" He said grabbing my arm.
We then soon arrived at this Yuya kids house. We knocked on the door that was opened to a purple and black haired boy. "Woah- what the hell?!" He exclaimed. "T-two Kites?!"

Another green and red haired boy came down stairs "What's going on- theres two Kites?!" He also exclaimed.
The other me sighed "Have you both looked at each other lately? What's the surprise?" He rolled his eyes.

"So, you got your own counterpart now?" Yuto laughed. "Which one was this Yuya kid you were talking about?" I asked. "Him" The other me said pointing at the green and red haired boy. "Hey! Why's he so important right now?" Yuto asked.

"He's not" The other me said, receiving a disappointed expression from Yuya "Anyway, why are you here Yuto?". Again, why does everyone have "Yu" in their name? "Just came to hang out with my bro Yuya!" He replied. "What about you guys?" Yuto asked.

"Well you see, that Yugo kid accidentally sent us here" The other me replied. "Ugh, that no good No-go!" Yuto yelled. "Hey, he's not that bad..." Yuya said. "He's the worst!" Yuto complained.

"Okay, just shut up. We need to go back to the Synchro dimension, also Shay is there" The other me told him.

-Back in the Synchro dimension-

The front door bursted open and Yugo rushed inside "Shay! Shay, where are you?!" He yelled. He then went outside on the balcony to see Shay up there sitting at a small table alone.

"Shay!" Yugo yelled getting his attention. "What's the matter? Didn't you go with those two earlier?" Shay asked. "Heh... well, ya see~ I kinda accidentally sent them to another dimension..." Yugo admitted awkwardly.

"You got to be kidding me, Yugo..." Shay sighed "Well, we better go find them" "Do you know where you could have sent them?" Shay asked. "Hmm... well there was a label on the thing I pulled..." Yugo said. "What did it say then?". "Standard or something I think...". "Then that's where were off to" Shay said.

-The Standard dimension-

"What were you guys doing in the Synchro dimension?" Yuya asked. "I was trying to get back to my 'dimension' but his duel disk that I ended up stealing wasn't programmed to teleport to my dimension which... hasn't actually been discovered by any of yours but theres this guy named Roget who I was helping find my dimension" I said. "That Roget... he's bad news" Yuya said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "He can't be trusted. Who knows what he'll do if he ends up finding your dimension" Yuya told me "He's probably using you". "It's not like I trust him anyway. Or anyone for that matter. But I'll do whatever I need to, to get back home" I said.
"Okay then, but don't say I didn't warn ya" Yuya said.

Roget, along with Sector Security arrived into the standard dimension and were now on a search for us. 'Where could they have gone off to?' Roget thought to himself.

"Do you think he's looking for us?" I asked. "Probably. Maybe we should go and see" The other me said. We left, saying bye to Yuya and Yuto.
We walked through the town looking for any Sector Security.

Suddenly we bumped into a blonde and brown haired guy. He kind of reminded me of Quattro... "Ugh, theres two of you now!" The guy said.
"Hmph. Sylvio was it?". "The one and only! But I couldn't say the same for you, Kite" Sylvio laughed.

Who even is this stuck up idiot?
"Hm, I thought I saw someone who looked just like you" The other me said pointing in the direction behind us. "W-what? Where?!" Sylvio asked running to that direction. The other me grabbed my arm and we quickly dashed down another street.

"Who was that?" I asked. "That was Sylvio... he's a friend of Yuya's but he's one of those rich bitchy, self absorbed, egotistic assholes" "Ah, I see" I replied.
All of a sudden a car pulled up in front of us and a grey haired male stepped out with glasses and a long red scarf.

He approached us "Hello, my name is Declan Akaba. One of you already know of me. I recieved a call from Yuya Sakaki and he informed me that you were trying to get back to your dimension with the help of that man Roget from the Synchro dimension. It isn't such a great idea for you to do that. You must join me and I can help you get back to your world" He said.

How do I know that anyone even has the technology and equipment to even get me back home?? I decided to go with him anyway and we drove to the Leo Corp.

"Your free to go back to your dimension" Declan said to the other me. "I don't want to, there's no point anyway" He answered. "Oh, right.."
I guess him and I are some kind of duo now... and I can't help but think about last night... I can't believe myself. It's not like I feel anything for him or anything... he's technically me so that'd be weird...

-Back in the Zexal world-

Yuma ran as fast as he could to the Heartland building. He was upset and angry. He went in and took an elevator up to the floor he assumed Dr. Faker was on. "DR. FAKER!" Yuma yelled. He stood in the room confused as there was an angry little boy standing before him as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as droplets of tears fell.

"How can you just stand there and do nothing?! Do you know how many days it's been now?! Kite is still trapped in another world and your doing nothing about it?!" He cried. "Please... just do something" Yuma said dropping on his knees while his tears hit the floor.

"Yuma... I just need time to think of a plan. As you know, my experiment failed when I tried to create that portal. I can't do the same thing again otherwise we'll just end up with a repeat of last time. So please calm down and I can find a way" Dr. Faker said.

"You better find a way fast" Yuma said getting back up on his feet and wiping the tears away then leaving the building and going home.

Yuma went into the attic and dropped himself down onto his hammock and sighed. Suddenly he heard faint knocks at the front door then his sister yelled out to him "Yuma! Shark is here!"

I then heard him enter my room and enter the attic. "Yuma? You okay?" He asked. "Not really... I just miss Kite is all... and Dr. Faker is taking forever to try and get him back" Yuma said.

"Why don't we get him back ourselves?" Shark suggested. "That's a good idea but it will be a bit risky, don't ya think?" Said Yuma. "Your always risking everything and come back successful, so I think we can do this, Yuma" Shark said.

"Your right, Shark! Let's do this!"
They waited until sun down and snuck inside the Heartland building that was currently under construction due to Dr. Fakers experiment gone wrong. No one was working right now and had to take the stairs into the half destroyed laboratory.

"How are we gonna do this?" Yuma asked. "I'm not so sure since everything is partly destroyed but we can try something" Shark replied. After awhile they managed to get some controls and other things to work in the lab.

They fixed parts of the machine that created the portal. "Hm, let's see if this will work" Shark said. He flipped a few switches and levers until a big dark purple abyss appeared out of thin air.

"Woah, it worked..." Yuma said shocked. "Now, let's go find Kite" Shark said. They both stepped inside of the portal that had closed soon after.

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