The Director Of Sector Security

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I was dragged into an office where I was forced to sit on a seat next to that other me. I sighed. We were facing a blonde man at a desk who had his hands intertwined together while looking at us. "Hello, I am the head of Sector Security, you can call me Roget" He spoke. "As you know you are both here for stealing... but which one of you was it? Be honest, your not in trouble" He told us. We're not? "It was me" I heard from the left of me. Why would he say that? He didn't even do anything. "No it-" I was shushed by the other me. I don't know why he's taking the blame.

"You guys aren't brothers, right?" Roget asked. "Brothers? What? Of course not!" I said. "As I hoped" Roget said with a strange smile on his face. "I suspected that you guys were both versions from different worlds, so I wanted to get a hold of you two for something" He told us. "I've recently been trying to discover other dimensions and I'm sure one of you can help me uncover a new one"

"What's in it for me?" I asked.
"Well, you two will be privileged to the luxury here of New Domino City" He said. He examined both of us "Now, could you tell me which Dimensions you have came from?" Roget asked. "Xyz". "I have no idea" I said. "Then your going to help me with something" He said. "What is it?" I sighed. "You mustn't be from any of the known dimensions... so your going to help me get there and find out it's name, since you have no idea" He said. "I mean, both of you will help me" He continued. I didn't want to but maybe he can help me get home. I didn't trust him though. I don't trust anyone...

"I will be right back, I need to have a word with someone" Roget said, exiting the room in a hurry. "You gonna go along with this?" The other me asked. "I guess I have no other choice if I want to get home" I told him. "But I don't want you to leave" He said. "I don't care what you want" I said glaring at him. "Seriously, you don't need to be mean to yourself" He said. "Your not me, so leave me the fuck alone". The room went silent for awhile. "I'm sorry..." He said while turning to look at me.

"Whatever..." I answered looking away from him. "I don't know why your being nice to me... just stop it" I said. He laughed "No way. I like you. Your so stubborn like me because you basically are me" He said. "So...?" I sighed. He rotated himself to face me and then he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Look, I think we should stick together. I can help you get back home if you stopped being so cold for once. It's even hard for me to be this nice" He said. Maybe I should stop being so mean to him. He is me after all. But I haven't forgotten what he had whispered that time. I don't want to think of what he meant by that. I still don't trust him but I'll have to make him an acquaintance for now.

I sighed "Fine, you help me get back and never talk to me again". "Are you kidding me? Is this really what I'm like? No wonder no one seems like they even want to be around me" He said. "That's why I'm this way. Because I want to be alone. And if you just stayed out of this, I'd be fine". He turned away with a guilty expression on his face. I don't care if he's me. He can fuck off back to his stupid dimension so I can get back to mine without his interference. The door behind us opened and Roget entered and sat back down at his desk.

"Sorry for the wait" He started "You two will be helping me starting from tomorrow and I will have you both escorted to your temporary luxury in a few" He told us. "Don't tell me we're sharing a place" I sighed. "It's only for the time being... I'm not sure what is going on between you two but that will have to be sorted out before tomorrow as you will be working together, now, I'll be seeing you tomorrow" A man walked into the room, who looked to be some sort of driver. "Follow me" He said, taking us out of the building and into a black car that he drove us to a nearby apartment building where he showed us to our condo. It was better than the place I stayed in. The Heartland tower. I'll be back there soon and when I am, I'll probably be much happier. I miss my brother, my father, not so much. The man left us and handed me the keys.

"Hey uhm, could I have my deck back?" The other me asked. "Oh, here" I said passing it to him. Suddenly I heard knocks on the door. "FBI, open up!" Yugo laughed outside. "Shut up, stop being stupid!" Shay said to him irritatedly. I went to the door and opened it and let them in. "Nice place ya got here, I wish Roget would offer a common like me a place like this..." Yugo said disappointed. "I'll trade you" I said to Shay, pointing at the duplicate of me. "Why do you have to be like this?!" The other me asked furiously. "Hey now, I would totally stay here with you if you didn't get my duel runner impounded!" Yugo complained. "Sorry not sorry".
"We're still staying here anyway" Shay said. "Says who?!" My duplicate and I asked at the same time. "Says ME" Shay answered. "Whatever then" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"We're all going to get along" Shay glared at me then cracked a small smirk on his face. I looked back at him with a confused and kind of disgusted look on my face. "Don't look at him like that" The other me snarled at Shay. Yugo slowly backed away into another room avoiding being involved. Later on it had become night time. Yugo went to sleep on the couch but an argument was happening between the other three of us about who's sleeping where. "Why don't you sleep in the other room, Shay! And then I can sleep in the same bed as him!". "No, why don't you! I wanna sleep in here with him!" Shay argued back. "Why don't you both sleep on the damn floor or better yet together because I don't want either of you next to me! I just want to sleep alone!" I yelled at them. "Fine.." Shay said giving up and exiting the room.

I climbed into bed but someone was still in here that shouldn't be. "Why are you still in here?" I asked annoyed. "There's nowhere else for me to sleep except next to you..." The other me said "So I'm just going to". "No" I said. "I know your not gonna bother to stop me" He said getting in beside me. "Grr!" Yeah, he's right. I'm too tired to stop him. "See?~".
"Whatever" I said turning around.

Soon I had fell asleep, not caring anyone was behind me. The other me checked if I was sleeping and he put his arm around me and moved closer, placing a kiss on my neck which had woken me up. "W-what the hell? Did you just kiss me?" I whispered. "Yeah" He said. I couldn't help but blush. I can't believe I'm saying this... "Kiss me again~" I said to him while turning around to face him. He pulled my face over to his and our lips met and we kissed for awhile. What am I doing? This was never meant to happen... but I guess it did. We then soon fell asleep, holding each other.

In the morning we woke up to an angry jealous Shay standing in the doorway and then he walked away. I got up out of bed. I was wearing only my grey long sleeve shirt on my upper body. I looked down to see two identical jackets on the floor.
"Uhm...". "Hm?". "Which one is mine?" I asked. "There's no way of knowing" The other me said so I picked up a random one and put it on and grabbed the other one and threw it to him on the other side of the bed.
I don't really care if it's not mine because their exactly the same and they also smell exactly the same...
Just then I remembered I had stuff in my pocket. My phone and some headache pills. I reached in and grabbed exactly that out. On the other side I saw the other me pull out the same thing. "What in the-". "You get migraines too?" He asked. "Yeah..." I responded.

"Anyway, we better get ready to see this Roget guy" I said.

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