[10] Narancia: killing me, part 1.

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Hi, how's everyone doing?
I hope that everyone's alright.

Somehow, I'm back and with hanahaki at that. Kinda wild, huh? 
If you're new here, let me tell you this: I don't believe in happy ending in hanahaki. 
This one will, again, involve death. So please prepare yourself. 

I'm not sure when's the next part would get released and I still don't know if this will have two or three parts. Anyhow, I'll finish it this week.
--- --- --- --- 

"Welcome home! Oh, Narancia!"

The slightly chapped lips of his forming a smile grin. Eyes soften upon the sight as he spreads his arms to welcome her in his arms. It wasn't too long of a hug yet not too soon to let go. Enough for him to catch the fragrance of her shampoo. Not enough to satisfy his inner desire.

"I'm back!" he finally announced proudly with your approval of a nod. Then she slips past him giving whoever behind him the same hug. Narancia chuckles to himself. 

Abbacchio grunts behind him with her trying to giving him a hug. 

"There's no one at home beside me," she said, skipping your way inside then turning around with the one-piece dress that Bucciarati bought her. The color is orange. "Perhaps you two are hungry? I can prepare quick lunch!"

"I'm taking a bath first." 

Abbacchio left the scene and Narancia regains himself again. 

"Do you think I also need a bath?"

She scans Narancia from head to toe with her beautiful orbs. Narancia gulped down and can hear his heart thumping faster than when Fugo stabs him with a fork. Then the beat stops when she laughed a little. 

"I think you need a bath." Her hand went to swipe the hair out of his eyes. Narancia swears to himself that he can stare at those orbs forever. She's so close to him. "You're a mess right now." Yet so far away as she steps back. 

"Can I help you made lunch when I'm done?"

"You better go now while I haven't started yet."

Narancia adores her smile. When her cheeks redden, her eyes shine like jewels, and nothing can compare to her. As gentle as silk, her kindness is out of the world. Honestly, Narancia still can't believe that she's ended up here with such a dangerous group.

Though he ran through the stairs, Narancia stopped running when he arrives. He feels hotter than usual. Probably because the mission was rougher than usual. Abbacchio and he had a hard time defending themselves today. They had to run. A lot. 

He nods to himself. He needed a bath.

When he passed the bathroom then it hit him that he had to wait for Abbaccio first. 

"Damn it! Now I can't go help her-" he pouts to himself, kicking the air. "Maybe I can help her now- never mind. I stink." Naranchia pinched his nose. 

Anyway, I think I'm more exhausted than I think.

Narancia breathed out when his back touched the wall before he slumps to the floor. Raising his jaw, he breathes through his mouth, staring at the ceilings. When he thinks about it, next month he's going to be twenty years old. 

Time flies, huh? He closed his eyes. The cold floor and walls feel nice against his skin.

Back then people would still consider him a kid. The team's an exception though, they still consider him a baby until now. Narancia doesn't mind the treatment. Everyone loves him and he feels loved. Not many can experience what he have now. Narancia knows how to be grateful.

His fingers flinched a little. Man, I'm sleepy.

Now, he seriously wants people to treat him as an adult. He can't be a kid forever. Narancia had thought of many ways of how to make them understand that he's fine even if he's alone now. He's a man now. He's a man.. who falls in love. 

And falling in love.. is hard.

-cia. Narancia. Kid, wake up!"

Narancia gasped, eyes wide open only to see Abbacchio crouching down in front of him with wet hair. The older one sighed.

"Why are you sleeping anywhere nowadays? You're going to catch a cold. Go shower, you sweat a lot."

"Did I?" he yawned, can't even remember what was he thinking earlier. 

Abbacchio eventually leaves after giving him a brief lecture. It seems like Abbacchio has grown into a nagging adult. Narancia laughed to himself.

Even when showering, Narancia yawned again. He often prefers cold showers but does it always feels this good? It's refreshing. Way too nice and it made him sleepy. 

Whatever, I'm staying here now.

Narancia lowers his face and the water goes straight to the back of his head. 

When he thinks about it, it was raining when he found her. Around a year ago, two weeks after his birthday if he remembers it right, they had a mission in another country which he forgot. Somewhere around Asia, probably China? They had to stop the human trafficking by another organization that's affecting Passione's business. Both sides are cruel but they got no choices.

It was a special mission.

Narancia remembers how frail her hand was when he holds her. She was one of the victims, isolated by herself since she was extraordinary. It was him who brought her outside where it's raining lightly. Washing both of them from sweat and blood. Celebrating the day as it was the day she was finally free. 

Long story short, she somehow stayed with the team. In return for living in the mansion, she had to take care of almost everything related to the house. Also, the team.  

She turned out to be great at whatever she does. Delicious cooking, cleaning so well that no one can complain, she can actually do some paperwork too. Most of all, she's now a bright person who loves to hug them.

That part of her is adora-

"Hmmph- cough"

"Crap! How long I've been here?" Narancia pounded his chest after coughing. "Guh, it's cold! I gotta hurry! I gotta hurry! Ack! I forgot my towel!"

"Thanks for the towel, [y/n]! I embarrassed myself!" Narancia smiles sourly, can't hide how shameful he was. "Oh, you made me soup?"

She poured him a cup of tea. "Abbacchio said you aren't feeling well. Now that I look at you, are you alright?"

"What?" Narancia glanced at Abbacchio who avoid his eyes. Then to you who seems so concerned that your brows tucked together. "I'm fine really!" He waves his hands in front of his chest. "Cough- I'm just tired. I'll go take a nap after this!"

"Yes, that would be fine. I'll go bring the medicine to your room later. Now, eat up!"

Narancia nodded quietly. 

Somehow he can't muster much strength to act like his usual self. He didn't talk while eating, not spilling anything. From time to time he would take a quick look at you who's talking with Abbacchio about the latest trend. 

Then she looked at him and Narancia glancing away immediately.

He gulped down. 

The soup tastes bland.

Ah, this is killing me.

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