[9] Mista: beauty and the beast, part 3.

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Hi, how's everyone doing?
Surprise! I was able to finish this today! Maybe the time has changed for you but not for me. 
Anyway, are you ready to read this? This took longer than I expected and this part alone reached 3,5k words. Mista's hanahaki reached 6k words in total! Wow! I forgot how long Fugo's two hanahaki was but it's not important now. 

I hope you enjoy reading this!
May I able to write more hanahaki in the future!
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"What do you mean by she's gone?"

Mista's voice rang through the room, loud enough to make people flinch by shutting their eyes and raising their shoulders. Everyone's shrinking by the absolute rage emitted by him. The atmosphere was already bad enough. When they thought it couldn't get any worse, they're wrong.

"Mista! Let him go!" Bucciarati catches Mista by the wrist and the gunslinger loosened his grip on the poor man. "Calm yourself."

"Calm!?" Mista shouts, jaws ripping open. The veins next to his widened eyes can be seen clearly. "You want me to calm in this situation? Do you think I can keep calm, Bucciarati? All while this weak-ass man can only cry like a goddamn baby!?" 



Bucciarati shouts back and Mista looks away, in a daze he steps back he bumps into Abbacchio who proceeds to hold his upper arms. Giorno and Narancia swarm around him to check if he's alright. While Mista's clearly not okay considering how pale he's. 

They decide to bring Mista outside while Bucciarati and Fugo deal with the matter inside. The guest has also been told to go home for obvious reasons. 

The sun looks like he's mocking Mista. 

"Damn it!" Mista kicks the wall, clawing his head, and throwing away his beanie to the floor. "What the heck is happening... [y/n]..."

Giorno and Narancia exchange glances and turns to Abbacchio who shrugs. There's no way to soothe Mista in any way right now. 

No-there is. 

They have to find you.

"I'm sure we can find here with Moody Blues," Abbacchio opens up.

Mista immediately turns around and grabs Abbacchio's arms. "You can find her right? Let's go! Now! We have to find her quickly! What is she's hurt-ah! If something happened to her I-huegh!"

Abbacchio sighs, rubbing Mista's back while he's coughing down. "Now, now, calm yourself. We'll find her. Don't worry."

"Bucciarati said he'll be here in a minute." Fugo opens the door and now has become Mista's target. The blond now has his collar grabbed by Mista. 

"What happened?" Mista panting and Fugo slaps his hands.

"Get your hands off me first."

Narancia quick to position himself beside Mista and pull him away from Fugo. He's used to fighting with Fugo but not Mista. The two fights will worsen the situation. So Narancia grabs Mista's right arm and Giorno who understands the situation has the left arm.

Mista mumbles under his breath. "Sorry."

"It's alright," Fugo says, loosens his necktie. "They said that [y/n] wasn't in her room when they come to get her this morning. At four in the morning to be exact. Since they had to prepare her."

The gunslinger lost his balance as soon as he heard the number. Thankfully Narancia and Giorno are strong enough to support him. 

"This can't be..."

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