"Man, that guy is scary! He gave me goosebumps!" Don said shivering.

"Yeah! He's not a General for nothing!" Emma chirped.

"Right Ray?" Emma turned around to see if Ray has anything to say, but all she saw was that Ray had a serious look on his face as he suited up.

"Ray? Ray!" Emma shouted right at Ray's left ear making him flinch and cover his ear, "What? Were you saying something?"

Emma just sighed, "Never mind, Ray. Just keep focusing."

Their uniform is camouflage color, like in the army you know, inside they have a plain black shirt. They all wore combat boots, and have a black winter gloves since its winter.

After they finished suiting up, they all went outside again, and stood there waiting for the General to come out of the office. When the General came out they all went stiff and stood straight.

"Alright then, let's start this test. Shall we?" He smiled, "all of you grab one each." He pointed on the ground to a couple of tables, there were laid out, some rifles, handguns, and their ammo, some knives or daggers still in their holder.

They all looked at the table with a questioning look, "what are they going to do with all of those weapons?" They all thought.

"I know what you're all wondering. Why are there a lot of weapons on the tables? Well, its part of the test. Each one of those guns have a colored pellet in it. The knives and daggers also, its inside their holders. This will be like a hunting game or capture the flag? Sort of game. You will all be separated into teams, since I have heard from your head officer that there was some rivalry happening in this camp right?" He glanced at Ray, then at Prince Andrei.

He then continued, "Well then, this will be your test. Since I know which one is which who wants to go on head to head with each other..."

He then called, "Ray. Prince Andrei, please step forward."

When they heard their names were called they both immediately walked to the front and stopped right in front of General Wright.

"Alright, Ray, Prince Andrei, please pick whatever color will be your team." He held his hand out as gesture to let them pick what color of the flag they will choose.

Prince Andrei picked red, while Ray picked blue.

General Wright nodded, "So, you have picked what color your team will be now, all you need are team members." He smiled and looked at the other cadets waiting.

Ray and Prince Andrei just waited for them. Of course, Ray's friends went and took some weapons and the color blue from the table and stood beside Ray.

"We're right behind you Ray!" Emma beamed and punched Ray's arm not hurting him of course.

The rest of them went to the teams that they want.

"Looks like all of you have picked your respective teams huh? So, all of you have to do is hit the opposing team with your color and they are "dead". Or try to capture the opposing teams flag and then the game is over. Which ever team wins will go home early, but the ones who lost will stay. Am I clear?" (Comment if you guys know which anime I am referencing, Idk if that means anything, but ok! Cool.)

"Here are your communicators, put in your ear, so you can communicate only with each other do you all understand?"

"Yes sir!"

My Destiny{Ray x Norman Omegaverse}~Royalty AU~Where stories live. Discover now