A Siren Wedding

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Co-written with 12112685a

It was a bright sunny day in Axle City. The Blaze Family were at the beach, having a fun and relaxing time.

"Man, this feels great!" Sparkle said, splashing about in the water.

"Hey, Sparkle, head's up!" Blaze called out, tossing a beachball to her from shore.

"Comin' back at ya, bro!"

Blaze laughed as his little sister tossed back the ball. He caught it with ease and grinned, turning to AJ, who was building a sandcastle nearby.

"Hey, buddy, wanna join us?"

"Just a sec," AJ waved him off. "Gotta finish this tower..."

He placed a flag on the sandcastle then he stood up, brushing sand off his clothes before rushing in. Blaze tossed the ball to him, and AJ grabbed it before tossing it to Sparkle. Sparkle giggled as she caught it, splashing in the waves.

"Hey, Blaze! AJ! Join me in the water!" she called out to them.

"Uh..." AJ glanced over at Blaze, who looked just as unsure. Neither of them had told the Blaze Fam about their siren adventure, and their siren magic could show up a little whenever they touched sea water. "What do you think, Blaze...?"

"Well... they need to know some time. It's time we told them."

"I guess..." AJ nodded. "We'll wait when they all get back here, then? Your parents are still surfing out there,"

"Good point." Blaze nodded and turned to his sister. "Hey, Sparkle, how about we get some ice cream while we wait for Mom and Dad to get back from surfing?"

"Okay! Then, we all go for a family swim." Sparkle chirped as she swam to them.

Blaze and AJ chuckled nervously as they waited for her to reach them then they turned to head over to the ice cream parlor.

Meanwhile, back in Melodia, Crusher was in the middle of his king duties, which were surprisingly not as boring as he first noted, when a guard came into the throne room with bow.

"Your majesty. Your aunt is here for the wedding in a few days."

"My... aunt?" Crusher looked up from his work with surprise. "As in... Aunt Castora? But how? I thought she was banished from Melodia!" He set his work down and got up from his throne. "Let her in. I'd like to see her for myself,"

"Yes sire." The guard bowed and swam off.

A few minutes later, a new siren dashed in, long, crazy icy blue hair flailing in the water as she entered the throne room. Her eyes roamed in excitement before settling down on her nephew floating above the throne. She gasped.

"Crescento, my dear!"

"Aunt Castora!" Crusher smiled and swam over to her as she engulfed him into a hug. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were long gone after Father banished you!"

"He did, but how could I miss your only wedding?" Castora smiled and kissed her nephew's forehead. "But what of you? I haven't seen you in ages! I heard you even went missing for years! What happened?"

"Father killed Mom, and I... I just left," Crusher sighed. "It's a long story,"

"Well, I'm sure you can tell me the whole thing soon," Castora giggled. "For now, I'm just so happy to be back! And I've heard that you had become king? If then, where's your crown, dearie?"

"Well... it wasn't for me. I sorta like shapeshifting and stuff, so I decided not to wear it."

"Oh, just like Athena," Castora sighed, a light blush on her cheeks. "Oh, how much Athena loved shapeshifting and so on, so forth... just a shame that my brother dearest would hurt such a pretty face..."

A Siren Wedding (BATMM Siren AU Three-quel One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now