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C City wasn't very far from A City, maybe two hours by car. Lisa was extremely nervous the entire way there. Jungkook wasn't at all amused at how anxious she looked. "Looking at you is even making me nervous now."

Lisa's voice was a bit shaky as she said, "Who wouldn't be nervous about meeting a boyfriend's parents. When you meet my parents... There probably wouldn't be anything to get nervous about, actually."

When Jungkook met her parents, she'd probably still be the nervous one...

Hearing her words, Jungkook laughed. "I'd rather like to get together with your parents."

Lisa, "...."
See. Here she was, going to formally meet his parents, and Jungkook wanted to get together with her parents.

As they chat a bit, Lisa started to relax. But when the car arrived at the Jeon manor, her nervousness welled back up and she could hardly breathe.

The Jeon manor was even larger than Jungkook's villa back in A City. The greenery in the courtyard out front was neatly trimmed, and there was even a small fountain.

Jungkook actually hadn't lived in this place for very long. He'd gone abroad for school, and after he returned, he'd run off to A City. But compared to his villa, the Jeon manor was a much livelier place.

Besides his parents, his two older brothers and his sister-in-law also lived here, along with seven or eight service staff.

After the car entered the estate,Lisa grew silent. Jungkook grabbed her hand and tried to comfort her, "Don't worry. No matter what, I'll be here with you."


"Come on, smile."

Lisa raised her lips and smiled slightly.

Jungkook chuckled. "A bit more naturally, won't you?"

Lisa looked at him, and then she gave another smile. Jungkook raised his lips. "Mmh, much better. Keep that smile on."

Lisa maintained the smile for a few seconds, and then the car stopped. The housekeeper walked over swiftly and opened the door for Jungkook. "Young Master, welcome home."

Jungkook smiled as he walked around to the other side. He opened the door for Lisa, "Lisa."

He extended his hand to Lisa, who mechanically grabbed onto it and stepped out of the car.

The warmth of his hand calmed her slightly. From behind Jungkook, the housekeeper greeted, "Ms.Lisa, hello."

At first, Lisa was startled that the housekeeper recognized her, but after recalling her and Jungkook's many headlines, she found it quite understandable. She held the smile on her face, and nodded slightly. "Hello."

Jungkook gave her 101 points and then led her forward. "Alright, let's not stand out here. Are my parents home?"

The housekeeper responded, "Yes. They're waiting for you and Ms. Lisa inside."

"Mmh. Lisa's gift for them is in the car. Help me bring it in."

"Yes, sir."

The housekeeper brought out the gift and followed them inside. Jungkook held onto Lisa's hand the entire time, keeping Lisa's heart at ease.

Her heels clunked on the hardwood floor. It wasn't very loud, but the sound echoed deafeningly in Lisa's ears.

Sitting in the large living room were several people. Seeing them, Lisa's breath tightened as she tried her best to keep a smile on.

After seeing the group of people in the living room, Jungkook's brows wrinkled. His eldest brother and sister-in-law were one thing, but even his second brother had come back for the entertainment.

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