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In the end, Jungkook was able to coax a second round out of Lisa.

Lisa laid in bed, a bit confused. "Don't you need to readjust time zones?" How could he still be so energetic and vigorous?

Jungkook responded, "Nope. Seeing you gives me energy."

Lisa, "...."

She quietly got up and went to take a shower, and then she and Jungkook went out.

The two played around in the bathroom a bit, and by the time they headed out the door, it was already past 1. After Jungkook and she went to Tianxiaju for lunch, he had his driver take them to her apartment compound.

Lisa was a bit worried at the prospect of seeing that man under the tree again, while Jungkook was rather looking forward to running into him. That would save him the effort in searching out the guy.

When they arrived, Lisa looked around, but the spot under the tree was empty. That man wasn't there. She slightly released her breath and then said to Jungkook, "The police probably dealt with him."

Jungkook didn't say anything and just walked with her into the apartment compound.

Though he'd been there several times, he'd never gone up to her apartment. He looked around curiously and then commented, "This place is even smaller than I'd imagined. You should've moved out to my place sooner."

Lisa raised her brows but didn't respond. He continued, "And there wasn't a single security camera on the way here. It's very unsafe. The security guard is also pretty much useless."

Lisa couldn't deny that. She pulled out a bunch of things from her closet and started to stuff them into a suitcase. "I'll get the rest of it when I end my lease."

The rent for the place wouldn't be up until next month. Even if she wasn't living there presently, she didn't want to let the landlord earn an extra month's rent so easily like that.

"Mm." After seeing her finish packing her things, Jungkook helped her carry the suitcase downstairs.

The peach trees in the compound were still in the process of blooming. Stuck together, they looked like some pink clouds. A few cats meowed and circled Lisa's legs.

"Leo, Luca." Lisa stopped in her steps to look at them. A bit sadly, she said, "If I move out, who will feed you guys?"

Jungkook's eyes moved to the cats at her feet. "I saw some cat food and a food dish in your apartment. Was it to feed these guys..?"

"Mm. I've posted pictures to my friend feed before. Do you remember?"

Hearing her say that, Jungkook did seem to recall something of the sort. He nodded slightly and then saw Lisa's sparkling eyes looking at him. "Does your place allow cats?"

Jungkook, "...."

He looked at the cats around Lisa's feet. Personally, he didn't much like raising pets. Moreover, he didn't have the time to take care of them. But if Lisa wanted to, having a few pets wasn't that big a deal.

"Mm. My place is more spacious too, and they can play around in the garden. But you're responsible for taking care of them."

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