"Yes sir," I nodded, and he turned around. As Trip turned to walk away, Feezal surprised us both and gave Trip a playful spank on the bottom. I saw him go rigid as he clenched his hands into fists and began to walk towards the MedBay doors.

As we stepped out into the hall and the doors slid shut behind us, Trip grabbed my arm and pulled me down an abandoned corridor.

"Oh my God, what the Hell?! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my—"

"Trip, calm down," I laid my hands on his arms and he tensed up for a second before relaxing. "I'm sure this is... all just a big, big misunderstanding. I mean, maybe that has... a different meaning on Denobula," I said hopefully.

"Yeah. Yeah, I sure hope so," Trip looked down. "Otherwise... well, I don't know what I'd do if I caused trouble with the doc's marriage."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Trip. Just try to make her feel welcome!" I paused. "Just not too welcome. You know, you don't want to go and get knocked up again," I smirked up at him.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Alright. I am going to go back to my station. You can stay here and make friends if you're gonna be like that."

The smirk melted off my face as a small smile pulled at his lips.

"That's what I thought," he patted me on the top of the head and I pushed his hands away. He chuckled. "Come on, let's go see how things are going in Engineering."

Sadly, that was not the last lewd interaction Trip experienced at the hands of Feezal.

Trip and I were walking down the hall, towards the cafeteria which, by now, would have been transformed into a theater for movie night. On our way, we encountered Feezal wandering the halls.

"Ah! Commander Tucker. Just the man I was looking for," she smiled, standing and folding her arms behind her back.

"Ah. Great," Trip smiled, though it was rigid and uncomfortable. "How can I help you, Mrs...?"

"Feezal is fine," she smiled at him.

"Right," he glanced over at me, then back to her. "Well, can I help you with something?"

"Yes, I had a proposition," she said matter-of-factly. "If you are interested, I propose that you could come to my quarters and we could engage in a sexual activity."

Trip's eyes widened and he looked down at me. I was staring ahead at Feezal in disbelief.

"Well, Feezal," he cleared his throat. "That's a... it's very nice of you to offer, but I uh... I'm not—"

"He's not single," I reached out and laced my fingers through his. He looked down at our hands, then up at me, then back to Feezal.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just, we uh... you know, Emily and I... we're totally—"

I had a feeling he was going to make a fool of himself, so I stepped in. "You know, human customs... only one mate, we just don't do things the way you do. I'm sure you can understand that," I smiled at her.

"Oh, of course! My apologies, dear, I should have noticed before," she smiled at the two of us. "You two are so clearly very in love with each other."

Trip and I slowly turned to look at each other. I felt the heat rise in my face, and saw a small blush color Trip's cheeks as well.

"Yeah," Trip barely managed to croak out. I looked away.

"Well, if you'd please excuse us, Feezal, we don't want to be late for... our movie date," I avoided his gaze.

Unrequited (Trip x OC)Where stories live. Discover now