xɪɴ ᴛɪᴇɴ ᴀɴᴅ sʜᴀᴏ ʟᴀᴏ

Start from the beginning

To start it off. Xin and Lao are not by any means blood related. If anything their relationship started when they were best friends around the age of ten. By that time Xin's mother died and Lao's mother was divorced.

With the two hanging out so much the parents hung out quite a lot as well. This led to their parents getting married and the two becoming step brothers. This enraged Xin to this day but Also didn't mind too much, bit seeing why Xin would be so mad.

Fast forward while the two are living in the same apartment as one another. Their job is informants for someone who can't be said. Their job usually does end in them having to kill someone. Both use knives or guns to kill.

Outside of their job as informants Xin works as a barista at a cafe. Lao works as a English professor in a university. Xin often picks up Lao from the university. Especially if they have work to do afterwards.


(Step)Father (Alive)

(Step) Mother (Alive)

Shao Lao (Step brother)

Xin Tien (Step brother


Xin Tien is a top. If you ask him to bottom he will glare at you and refuse to be around you for a while.

Shao Lao is a switch with no leans. He has no problem doing either.

𝔗𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔒𝔫𝔰✓

Xin likes a very vocal partner. He himself can be either quiet or vocal him but he likes when his partner is vocal cause it let's him know he's doing well. He degrades quite a lot. He also likes blow jobs and to tease his partner.

Lao is very big on dirty talk. Whether it's him saying it or his partner. He also loves to be marked up. He'll call his partner kitten regardless and will ask to put a collar on his partner.

𝔗𝔲𝔯𝔫 𝔒𝔣𝔰✓

Xin doesn't like being told what to do when he's with his partner. He'll do as he pleases but will listen told to stop. He also doesn't like doing foreplay for too long.

Lao doesn't mine being tied up but if he's not in the mood for it he will get agitated.


These two will contain blood and violence.

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