Is it something more pt 2

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You waited at the bus loop again. You plopped your bag on the ground and grabbed your phone to start to text Andy.

Are you giving me a ride or not? Lol

You stood there waiting for about ten minutes and then you felt someone come behind you and hug around your waist. It's Andy.

"You looked gorgeous today Y/N."

You giggle and walk off with him to the car.

"Did you even see my text?" You asked being a little pissed off.

"Yeah. I saw it. Just wanted to surprise you, you know?" He said looking at the ground.

You two reached the car and he opened the door for you, you smile shyly. He hops in and starts the car. You try to turn on the radio, but it doesn't work.

"Um Andy..." You look over at him

He tries to turn it on.

"Well it looks like it's on, just the sound... it's not working. We must have blown the speakers." He laughs "if you want to hear music I could play something off my pho-" You cut him off saying, "People have told me that you could sing. Why don't you instead of playing something."

Andy blushes. "Well I guess I'm alright, what song do you want me to sing?"

"How about Raised by Wolves by Falling in Reverse? Or The Sky Under the Sea by Pierce the Veil? I really like those songs." You have a wide smile saying that to him.

He smiles back and starts to drive. It's quiet for a few minutes and then he starts singing. 
I was lost now I'm found I'm sustained by the sound of the angels singing me to sleep while my feet are leaving the ground am I dead or am I dreaming instead a cornucopia of opiates have flooded my head...

You blank out even after the first verse. His voice was perfect. You could here his smooth deep voice vibrating into your ears, it was so soothing. You kept looking at him as he sang it so perfectly.  Even the yell in the song came out perfect. He was perfect. He finished the song and said "What would you like to hear now."

"An answer to this question. Andy, do you really like me or are you just trying to have a girl to be with? Andy I really want to know how you feel about me." You say quickly.

Andy pulled over and stared into your eyes. "Y/N, you're one of the nicest people I've ever met. I honestly think I'm really falling for you. I've had a huge crush on you since the beginning. Will you like to go on a date some time?"

When he said the word date it kept repeating in your head. You looked straight at him and slowly let out a smile. "I'd love that." You say and then he keeps driving with a huge smile on his face. He then starts singing a song, one you've heard before. It was familiar, very.
Well now this could be the last of all the rides we take.

It was The Kids From Yesterday by My Chemical Romance.
So hold on tight and don't look back we don't care about the message or the rules they make we'll find you when the sun goes black-

And then he stopped singing to say "Well it looks like it's your stop."

You smile "It looks like it is."

You open the door and start to walk to your house door then Andy rolls down the window.

"I'll call you later, alright beautiful."

You can't help but smile and giggle

"Haha yeah that'd be great."

You walk to your front door to be greeted by you mom.

Smile an Andy Biersack fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now