;10 heart-shaped box

Start from the beginning

Rhiannon walks through the corridors and slips into the common room right after Remus so she doesn't have to say the password. She was planning to talk to Remus, ask if he was okay. But by the time she entered the common room he was already up the stairs and in the boy's dormitory.


June 14th, 1976.


It was the last period of the day, which meant the last test. Everyone was extremely focused, also wishing this would all be over. Defense Against The Dark Arts was the hardest, but Marlene and Rhiannon had been studying their asses off all weekend.

When the exam finished, the students were instructed to stand back against the walls of the Great Hall, waiting for McGonagall. Once she walked out and told everyone classes were done for the day, all the students cheered in thankfulness.

Rhiannon was heading to the wooden bridge to smoke, needing some release. As she walked outside, feeling the cool summer air hit her face, Regulus was already there. Sulking. He looks up at her with anger, while she smiled at him, "Hey."

"What do you want?" He replied, coldly. Rhiannon just laughed, which made Regulus furrow his eyebrows. Rhiannon walked over to him, taking a pack of cigarettes and taking one out, placing it on her mouth.

"Just bein' friendly." She mutters, lighting the cigarette. Regulus looks at her in disgust, she exhales smoke and asks, "Want a drag?"

"No.", this made Rhiannon laugh, even more, she turns to him, "What is up with you? What happened to the old you."

"I didn't change. I got realistic."

"No you're just acting like a dick, that's not being realistic."

"Oh, and telling me that is?" His facial expression becomes more and more intense, she just hit a nerve.

"I'm just being realistic." She mocks him, Regulus clenches his fist and walks away into the castle, bumping her shoulder as he does. "Go run away and cry to mommy!" She bellows, taking a pull and blowing smoke again.

She met Regulus back at the beginning of the second year, they both hit it off. Though she was extremely talkative and out there, and he was quiet and closed off. She always admired his ambition and had extreme potential in him, that was before all this Voldemort stuff happened.

She secretly hoped that Regulus became happy, and wasn't going to join Voldemort's Army like the rest of his family. Maybe he just had grown to believe all the Muggleborn bullshit, and that's why he didn't like Rhiannon anymore.

"What's got you all saddened? Mommy didn't get you the right jacket?" Remus teases Regulus when he walks through the castle, tears in his eyes.

"Piss off Loony Lupin, why don't you go run and mess with my disgrace of a brother!" Regulus yells and walks away, departing by going in the dungeons to get to the Slytherin common room.


July 1st, 1976.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much." Marlene cry's, hugging Rhiannon on the train. Rhiannon was dreading going to her father's house. She hasn't seen him in around seven years, she just hopes that he's better now.

𝐑𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍 - r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now