We pull up to Colton's small house and quickly head inside to pack his stuff. Colton packs in record time and the last thing her grabs is the bracelet I bought him. "Darling are you sure you don't mind leaving, I know how much you love this house." "Yeah I'm sure Baby, I think it would be nice to get away for a while and I'm excited to see London again." "Ok Colt then we should get going." I grab his hand and we head to the airport.

I book our tickets, first class much to Colton's disapproval. When we actually get on the plane Colton's mouth almost drops open. I booked us first class tickets on a high end airline so it's pretty fancy. "Wow Bella won't your parents notice that you spent this much money," he asks skeptically? "No I've had my own personal accounts since I was ten." He shakes his head and sinks down in one of the white leather seats. I climb onto his lap and lay my head on his chest, nuzzling my face into his neck. He chuckles. "Baby before you get settled in I need to call Noah and Maria before we take off." I reach up and pass him the airplane phone. "Before you say anything I know. Cool," I say sarcastically.

Colton makes his calls while I read. He fills Noah in on what's going on and why we need to leave. I can hear Noah's outraged voice on the other line, clear as day. "IS SHE OK," he yells? "Yes Noah she's fine, just a little shaken up. We'll call you when we land ok?" Noah agrees and then they hang up. I keep reading until Colton's lips obscure my vision. "Wanna watch a movie little one," he asks? "Actually can I talk to you about something?" "Sure, what's going on?" "Well we graduate in a few months and we'll probably just finish school online. But I've been thinking about this for a long time and I think if we stay in England I could go to Oxford and you could get a degree in Art and Design, maybe even minor in Business. Then you could open your own tattoo shop."

"Bella I don't really want to go to college, plus you know I can't afford it." "Yeah I know, but that's just for right now. But you are an amazing artist so you can get a job at a tattoo shop in London and save up, plus I know you don't want me too but I can help you." Colton's hands tighten into fists on my hips and his expression darkens. "Bella we are not having this conversation again, I don't need help with money and I'm going to college so just drop it alright!" He snaps. His voice is hard and cold and his eyes are like steel. I gasp and recoil, trying to get out of his death grip. "O-Ok s-sorry," I stutter, my bottom lip trembling. His hands loosen and I quickly sit in my own seat, burying my face in my book so he won't see my tears. "Sweetheart I-" "No it's ok, I won't mention it again," I mumble. The rest of the flight is silent. I read while Colton stares moodily out the window until he falls asleep.

When we land I try to get our stuff but I can't reach the overhead compartment so I walk over and gently wake up Colton. "Come on Colt, time to wake up," I whisper. He opens his beautiful gray eyes and they instantly fill with guilt. I sigh. I love Colton but our relationship is complicated. I can't be surprised considering he warned me about his anger before me started dating. But I hate it when he yells at me, it makes me feel so small. "Can you get our luggage please," I ask him? He nods.

We take a cab to Colton's aunt's house, and the car is filled with a very awkward silence. When we arrive there's a woman standing by the gate. She has brown hair that's streaked with gray and is wearing a yellow apron. Her face splits into a big smile when she sees the cab and as soon as she sees Colton she wraps him in a big hug. "Oh Colton, look how handsome you are, you've grown into a fine young man," she says holding his face in her hands. He smiles softly and hugs her again. "I missed you aunt Becky," he tells her. "And who is this beautiful girl," she asks, turning to me. "This is Bella, my girlfriend," Colton says, wrapping his arms around me. "Oh honey you're so beautiful and look at those unique eyes. You guys look so great together!" I smile in spite of myself, her enthusiasm is infectious. "Hi it's really nice to meet you, thank you for letting us stay here," I replied quietly. "Oh it's my pleasure, I'm actually really excited that you guys are staying here and Jordan is too. Now come inside and we'll have some supper." I smile and nod before following her inside.

We walk inside and I'm immediately hit with lots of bright colors. A stark contrast to my pristine white and gray house. I step into the sunny bright yellow kitchen and see a man who is very tall with salt and pepper hair. "Jordan Darling, our guests have arrived," Colton's aunt sang. He turns around and grins at us. He looks like a man who smiles a lot by the wrinkles around his warm brown eyes. "Jordan, this is my nephew Colton and his girlfriend Bella. Guys this is my husband Jordan Fields," she introduces happily. "Hey guys it's nice to meet you, dinner is almost ready if you wanna take a seat." "It's nice to meet you too Mr.Fields," I replied softly. God I wish I wasn't so shy. Colton wraps his arms around me and reaches out to shake his hand. "You can call me Jordan love," he tells me in a thick British accent. "And you can call me Becky," Becky calls from across the kitchen. "Where should we put our stuff," Colton asks? "Oh right. Come with me I'll show you. I've got you guys all set up in the spare bedroom, I assume you guys are ok with sharing a bed," she says with a wink. I blush bright red and Colton chuckles at me.

"Alright so here it is, you guys can get freshened up and come down whenever ready," Becky tells us before leaving us alone. "They're awesome," I say, flopping down on the white bedspread. "Yeah I don't remember the last time I saw her this happy,' he answers. "Bella can we please talk?" "We can. But they're waiting for us so I'm just going to go change and then we'll go eat." He nods and I grab some clothes and walk into the ensuite bathroom. I quickly changed into some burgundy leggings and one of Colton's huge black sweaters, along with some thick fuzzy socks. I open the door and see Colton sitting on the bed with his face in his hands. I kneel down in front of him and press a kiss to his curls. "It's ok Colt, I'm not mad at you ok? Let's just go downstairs and have supper and then we'll talk after." He nods and lifts his head. He slowly stands up and opens his arms. I walk into them and Colton scoops me up and settles me on his hip. He kisses me forehead and carries me downstairs where Becky and Jordan are waiting for us with steaming plates of spaghetti sitting on the table. Becky laughs when she sees us. Colton sets me in my chair and kisses my forehead. "That's how we make up for the height difference," I say. Everyone laughs. "If you don't mind me asking. How tall are you dear," aksks Becky? "I'm 4'10," I replied.

Everyone nods and the rest of dinner goes smoothly. I start to get tired from the jetlag so we wish everyone goodnight and Colton carries me up to our room.

Hi Everyone:

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Lollipopsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें