End the Fight Ch.25

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A/N: A quick thank you for 10 k reads! I decided to upload early this week so yay have fun!

5 minutes ago

"And you're sure this plan isn't going to cause any damage to the building?" You questioned your partners judgement. His plan was a bit extreme compared to what you were used to from him.

Shoto was more of a calm, cool, and collected planner who never did anything too drastic until it was a life or death situation. He was strategic and levelheaded; never did anything you weren't too comfortable with because he knew nine times out of ten if someone wasn't comfortable the plan wouldn't work out.

"I am 98 percent sure that nothing too terrible can come out of this just trust me." You nodded but something still felt off about this. But you had faith in Shoto so it wouldn't hurt to try.

"Come out of hiding you scared bastards!" Bakugo stomps followed by Midoriya's soft steps were heard turning the exact corner your partner presumed  they would.

"Ready?" You nodded in response.

The opposing team walked into the room you both hid in and as soon as they stood in the exact position you needed them to be in you both stepped out of hiding.

"Well hello boys. What do you think about the weather today?"

"Um weather has nothing to do with this." Midoriya remarked.

"Obviously, you idiot she's trying to throw us off from their plans. What is your plan anyways? Leaving us to roll around in pain like last time." His stance was stiff and prepared for your attacks.

"Actually I'm not throwing you off, if anything I just gave you a hint on what our plan is. So tell me what. Do. You. Think of. The weather?" After each word you and your partner took one more step backwards.

"It's cold in this room so icy hot should probably warm it up in here that's what I think."

"Ding ding ding." You clapped. "But is it actually cold in here." They both furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. Bakugo shook his head and grunted after being sick of your little games. "Or is it your mind playing tricks on you?"

Right then you punched through the air in one forceful throw of your arm. Nothing happened. You all stood still waiting for anything to happen but there was nothing.

"Seriously you played with us just to punch the fucking air. Tch, what a waste how about I just kill you and get this over with." He pulled the pin on his gauntlet and released an explosion but right then a huge gust of wind redirected it back to him and his teammate. The gust pushed them backwards even with them pressing their feet into the ground.

You both finally had the upper hand. The air that you forced in their direction played an essential role in rendering their team incapable of countering your attack. In second Shoto grabbed onto his victims wrist and you grabbed on to yours flipping them over your shoulders. But instead of throwing them onto the ground the both of you positioned it perfectly so that they would slam into each other's back.

"Aghhh!" They both screamed in pain. The tingles soon turned into a constant ache.

Todoroki froze them in place. "Is this over I'm really tired?" You stumbled into his arms on accident.

"Are you okay?" He propped you back up on your feet.

"Yeah I just haven't- Agh!" Ice shattered as if it were glasses. A piece pierced straight through your abdomen. Bakugo managed to set off an explosion helping him and his teammate escape from the ice case Shoto had placed them in.

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