Zoey suddenly moved, grabbing Joe by his shirt. Brian took that as his cue to get the hell out of there. As he rounded the corner, he found his speed walking had turned into a sprint. He didn't know why he was letting some popular girl giving him a dirty look haunt him so much. Wasn't that a normal part of high school?

Maybe it was the horrific way she treated Joe that made Brian so scared of her.

Brian slowed his run back down to a fast walk as he approached the exit to the building. He really needed to just shake that whole thing off and focus on trigonometry. Joe wasn't his problem, and he was no one of significance to his cold hearted girlfriend. He opened the door of the building to find himself face to face with a crowd. Four guys on the football team to be exact. He recognized one of them as Sam, who he knew was on the football team with Joe.

"You Brian?" Sam asked, taking a step toward him.

Brian took a step back nervously. How the fuck did they know his name?

"You the little freak that's been bothering Zoey?" Another one of the boys asked him, taking a step closer.

"Go easy Craig, let him answer one question at a time." Sam said, laughing as the group all stepped closer to Brian

Brian backed away until his back hit the door. Why the hell were they asking him about Zoey?

"I got another question for him though." Craig mused, smirking down at the younger boy.

"I think I know what it is." Sam teased, walking up to Brian so that they were less than a foot apart. "Are you a queer little loser?"

Brian's heart was pounding inside of his chest, extremely worried about where the conversation was going. "I-I don't know what you—"

"Are you the little homo who's got a hopeless crush on our boy Walker?"

The circle all laughed, closing in on Brian, who was speechless. Not only did these guys—some of the most popular guys in school—know that he was gay, but they knew that he was in love with Joe? How could they? Why was his worst nightmare becoming a reality before his very eyes?

"I gotta tell you Brian," Craig said casually, leaning against the door next to Brian so that he couldn't open it. "Zoey's not the biggest fan of your gross, weird feelings towards her boyfriend."

Brian cleared his throat, trying to find the ability to speak. "Listen guys, I-I'm just trying to get to class, I don't know who you're talking ab—"

"Now now," Sam said gently, before grabbing the rim of Brian's shirt. He pulled Brian slightly forward before slamming him into the door behind him. "Don't play dumb and lie to us, buddy."

"We're all friends here," Craig reassured calmly, reaching over and gripping Brian's hair harshly.

"Although he probably wants to be more than friends with some of us, don't you you little freak?" Sam added, everyone laughing.

Brian couldn't stop his body from trembling; he was paralyzed with fear. "P-please, I-I just wanna get to my cl—"

Sam punched Brian across the face, hard. Brian cried out in pain, but before he knew it one of Sam's backup guys had his hand over Brian's mouth. Brian tried to pull his arm off of him, but another one of Sam's cronies grabbed Brian's arms and pinned them behind his back.

"What this bitch want Doug?" He laughed as he pulled back on Brian's arms, hurting him.

"He just wants to snug up next to Walker." Doug answered, tightening their grip on Brian's mouth as he cried from pain.

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