part 7

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I woke up to the alarm ringing by my side. I hate waking up so early. I got up with a groan before I went to the bathroom to do whatever I had to do in there.

I changed my clothes after I took a quick shower. I picked up my phone to check for any new messages. One new message, no missed calls.

It was from Izzie. It read

From Izzie:
not going today. Didn't finish studying last night. I'll just take the test again. You and Louis go. Have fun! ;)

I replied

To Izzie:
Are you okay?

She was quick to answer

From Izzie:
Yeah, I told you I didn't finish studying so I'm not going!

I sighed to myself before I replied

To Izzie:
I love you babes ❤

She sent

From Izzie:
I love you too 😍❤

I tugged my phone in my back pocket and opened thd door of my room to see Louis waiting for me leaning against the door frame "let's go."

He asked "isn't she coming?" I shook my head "no, she couldn't finish everything included for the test."

He mouthed an 'oh' before we stumbled downstairs to the front door and into the car.


I could feel everything, but yet, I couldn't move. Not my body, not even my eyelids would open. I was breathing from my mouth, and I couldn't talk. It felt like something was holding my dry tongue and wouldn't let go.

I listened to my surroundings; something beeping, more like a monitor. I was still in a hospital. The door slid open, indicating that someone was coming in, or out. I heard a male voice, it was Louis talking "is he going to live Dr.Shepherd?"

I guess Dr.Shepherd replied "I hope so. He's stable for now, but we have to keep him for 48 hours to see if he'll stay stable. When he wakes up of course."

I felt a small cold hand sliding through my curls that were covering my forehead and another hand placed gently on my chest before a pair of lips connected with my forehead.

The person who was like right beside me questioned "can he hear us?" I never failed to know who that sound belonged to; my mum. I guess Dr.Shepherd nodded because I felt my mum's lips beside my ear as she whispered, a tear rolled down her face and hit my cheek "Harry, if you can hear me right now, wake up for me please. I need you."


Driving back home after hanging out with friends, I thought that I had to check up on Izzie. She might be lonely since she was studying alone in this hot weather. She might need some company.

I dropped Louis at our shared apartment and went to Izzie's, parked the car in the parking lot and stepped out. I walked quickly to her front door and stood there.

I couldn't hide my smile since it's been almost a whole day I haven't seen her and now I got to see her.

I rang the doorbell twice, but there was no response. I knocked on the door with my knuckles and kept knocking for a few minutes, then I started yelling, hoping she'd answer "Izzie, it's me! Open the damn door!"

It was just seconds later before the door swung open, revealing Izzie. She was sad, depressed, devastated. She was crying.

I hated seeing her like that as much as I hated pineapple on pizza, or even more.

I extended my hand to carress her soft cheeks as more tears escaped her eyes. I asked, my voice so soft and calm which I really didn't know where it came from "why are you crying baby?"

She said, completely ignoring my question "Harry, I need you."

It came out of her lips so desperate. I had never seen her like that before "need me for what?"

She answered as she opened the door further to let me in "I need you to make me forget. I need you to remind me of every second I've ever spent with you, every memory, until now."

With every word she uttered, my heart kept hitting my chest rapidly, she needed me, how could I say no to that?

She placed her small hand behind my neck before she pulled me into a breathtaking kiss.

It was not like our usual slow kisses, it was fast and full of passion. I knew what she wanted and I was willing to give her whatever she asked for.

Literally anything.

A/N: holy shit! What do you think she's hiding?

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