c a r v e d s o u l s (P)

10 6 2

I knew you were different, from the first day we met,

You didn't judge my surface, you searched for a depth,

You told me, the world was never perfect,

But you wanted to explore my imperfections and fall in love with them.

So why don't you visit my soul sometime?

It holds my imperfections, a sculpture of my mind,

Which the heart has carved, staying up many nights,

It holds my darkest secrets, a mysterious site.

As you enter, you might stumble across the corner of marks,

Where they have left a bunch of requests and remarks,

They who came but couldn't stay for long,

Have left me with memories, a part of their own.

As you go along the way,

You might see an abandoned cave,

Even out of curiosity, please don't step in,

The heart has caged all my demons right in there, within.

At last, in the end, a tunnel awaits you,

Tunnel of my fears, will you pass through?

Fears of the unknown, and some from the past,

From here if you continue, it's a gate straight to my heart.

Now that you've reached the end, why would you still stay?

Does the dark seeping out through the cracks of my heart not scare you?

You just smile and ask me to visit your soul sometime,

It's been dark there as well, a ruin of your mind.


Ahhhh this is one of my personal favorites, let me know your thoughts on it!
And please consider voting if you could connect to it or simply liked it, it really motivates me to write more (〃^ω^〃)

Oh and remember cuties stay healthy, stay indoors and keep drinking lots of water!

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