Chapter 2

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As the army of ghost pirates charge towards the ship, Alsta starts shooting bullets at the ghosts. The bullets hit several ghost pirates while the rest of them manage to dodge the last few bullets and reach the ship. The ghost pirates leap up towards the deck of the ship. Alsta quickly shoots a few more shots, which take down 5 more ghost pirates while they're in midair. The remaining ghost pirates land on the deck of the ship and summon their short swords and rapiers. You hide behind a pile of crates that lean against the railing on the deck and peak around the crates to watch the fight. Alsta gets in a fighting stance as the ghost pirates all charge at Alsta at the same time and from every angle. Alsta smirks and jump into the air once the ghost pirates reach her position. The elf then lands on the back of one of the ghost pirates and shoots it in the back of the head. Another ghost pirate comes from the side with a rapier aimed at Alsta's face. Alsta raises her right pistol to block the rapier and deflects it, causing the ghost pirate to tumble back a bit. Alsta takes this opportunity and shoots 2 bullets right into the ghost pirate's chest. Alsta runs over to the rapier and picks it up just in time to quickly turn around and block an attack from a ghost pirate's short sword. Alsta stares down the ghost pirate that's wielding the short sword while the ghost tries to overpower Alsta. Alsta manages to swing her left leg forward and trips the ghost pirate, causing it to fall flat on it's face before Alsta stabs it with the rapier. Alsta look up towards the last 3 ghost pirates as they look at Alsta with fear in their eyes. Alsta smirks at their expressions and charges at them with the rapier clenched tightly in her right hand. Even though scared, one of the 3 ghost pirates charge back at Alsta with it's short sword raised up and ready to land a strike on Alsta. The ghost pirate  and Alsta reach each other and clash their melee weapons together. Alsta raises her knee to try to knee the ghost pirate in the gut, but the ghost dodges the attack and punches Alsta across the face, knocking her back a little. The ghost pirate charges at Alsta again, but Alsta quickly recovers from the punch and ducks under the ghost pirate as it swings it's short sword at her. Alsta then uppercuts the ghost pirate in the jaw before stabbing it through it's neck with the rapier. After the ghost pirate dies, Alsta looks back at the last 2 ghost pirates. Not wanting to fight the elf, the 2 ghost pirates run towards the edge of the deck. Alsta pulls out one of her pistols and shoots 2 bullets at the 2 ghost pirates. As the ghost pirates jump off the deck to escape into the ocean, one of them gets shot by one of Alsta's bullets while in midair. The other ghost pirate manages to dodge Alsta's other bullet and lands safely into the ocean and quickly swims away. Alsta puts away her pistol and drops the rapier on the floor and stretches her arms. You emerge from behind the crates and smile at Alsta while walking towards her. Alsta turns to look at you and smiles back.

Y/N (smiles): That was impressive Alsta. Nice job.

Alsta (smiles): Thanks Y/N. I appreciate the compliment.

After Alsta stretches her arms, she picks the rapier back up and tosses it to you. You grab it and look at it in awe.

Alsta: You can keep the rapier. You're gonna need a weapon for self defense.

You look back up at Alsta.

Y/N: I like this weapon, but I have no idea how to use it.

Alsta (smiles): That's no problem. I can teach you how to weild a rapier. I used to use one before I discovered my affinity for guns.

Y/N (smiles): That's cool. I can't wait to start wielding this.

You say as you hold the rapier's handle and point the blade towards the sky.

Alsta smiles at you before she turns around and walks over to the ship's steering wheel. You look at Alsta and put the rapier to your side.

Y/N: Where are we heading?

Alsta: We're heading towards a large island called the Westside Phoenix Wing. I need to go there to pick up a special gift for my boyfriend.

Y/N: Oh really? How kind of you.

Alsta (smiles): Thanks. But since it's taken me almost all day to go there, we're going to have to spend the night on the island before heading back to my home next morning.

Y/N (smiles): Sounds good to me.

You look back at the front of the ship and see a landmass stretched over the island.

Y/N: Is that the island you're talking about?

You point at the landmass in front of the ship.

Alsta: Yep. That's the island. We should reach it by nightfall. In the meantime I can start teaching you the basics of using a rapier.

You look back at Alsta and smile at her.

Y/N (smiles): Alright then. I'm ready to start training.

Alsta (smiles): That's good to hear. Let's start shall we?

You nod your head and hold up your rapier. Alsta smirks and grabs a stray stick that's lying on the deck's floor.

Y/N (smiles): Ready when you are.

Alsta (smiles): Hear we go!

Alsta charges at you while you charge back with your rapier.

Alsta: Let the training commence!

To be continued....

Finally!!!! Summer break has finally arrived, so I can focus on my stories again. I don't have much to say right now, but have a great day and stay safe. I'll see you all next time. Bye for now!

I don't own any of these characters. They all belong to their respective owners. Thanks for reading.

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