Chapter 1

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You hear the sounds of wood creaking as you feel like you're slowly tilting back and forth. You also hear what sounds like water gentle splashing against walls all around you. You slowly open your eyes and sit up. You look around and see that you're inside a wooden ship. Candles hang off the wall to illuminate the room. You look down and see that you're sitting on top of a pile of hay. You get up and brush off small pieces of hay from your clothing and start looking for a door that leads to the outside of the ship while you wonder how in the world you ended up in this ship in the first place. You try to remember what happened before you got here, but you can't remember anything. You eventually find the door after a few moments. The door is a small square on the ceiling of the ship with a wooden ladder coming down from it to allow people to enter through or exit the door. You get on the ladder and start to ascend up to the door. You reach the door and open it. Immediately a cold gust of wind hits your face, as well as the strong smell of seawater. You've made it to the deck of the ship. Everything is foggy around you, but you can still see decently through the fog. You look up at the giant sails that push the ship foward through the water as the cold wind blows against them. After looking around for a few more moments, you get off the ladder and stand on the deck of the ship. You start walking around, trying to find anyone else who's on the ship to hopefully ask if they know why you're here. As you approach the front of the deck, you notice a figure standing at the edge, but due to the fog you can't really see them that well. You approach the figure. As you get closer you start to see some of their features. The figure appears to be feminine and is wearing a large pirate hat on her head. The figure is also wearing old fashioned clothing and has long white hair that gently blows in the wind. When you reach the girl, you tap her on the shoulder.

Y/N: Uhh, hello miss. Can you t-

Your sentence gets cut off when the girl swiftly turns around and pulls out 2 crimson flintlock pistols and points them directly at you while in a defensive stance. You are surprised by the sudden action and instinctively raise your hands up to show that you aren't a threat.

????: Back off now or I'll....

The girl trails off as she stares at you. You take this chance to get a good look at her.

How the girl looks:

The girl lowers her guns, but is still cautious of you

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

The girl lowers her guns, but is still cautious of you. There is a small awkward moment of silence before you decide to speak.

Y/N: Sorry for scaring you like that. My name is Y/N L/N, and I just wanted to ask how I got on this ship.

Seeing that you mean no harm, the girl puts her pistols away and eases up.

????: I should be the one saying sorry. My name is Alsta, and I'm an elf pirate. Sorry for pulling my guns out on you.

Y/N (smiles): It's fine. You acted out of self defense.

Alsta (smiles): Well I'm glad we're on good terms now. Anyways, what was the question you were going to ask me?

Y/N: I was wondering how I ended up on this ship?

Alsta: Earlier today I found your body floating at the surface of the water very close to my ship. I got worried about you and jumped down into the water and got you. Once I got back on the ship, I went inside the ship while carrying you, and put you down on a stack of hay. Fortunately, you weren't injured and still breathing, so I decided to let you rest and returned back to sailing my ship.

After explaining how you got on her ship, you couldn't help but wonder how you ended up in the ocean.

Y/N: Thanks for telling me how I got here Alsta, but I wonder how I ended in the ocean in the first place.

Alsta: Can't you remember anything?

Y/N: Nope. I tried, but it doesn't work.

Alsta: Hmmm. You probably have amnesia, but hopefully it's short term and you eventually gain your memories back.

Y/N (smiles): You're probably right. Thanks for your help Alsta.

Alsta (smiles): It's no problem. I glad I can help.

A few moments after Alsta speaks, the waves turn from gentle to mildly rough. Alsta immediately notices this and returns back to steering her ship. In the distance in front of you and Alsta is a faint green glow. You look at the glow curiously while Alsta immediately knows what the glow is. She pulls out her flintlock pistols and gets ready to fight. You look curiously at Alsta, but also a little concerned seeing that the abnormal glow could be something dangerous.

Y/N: Alsta, what's wrong?

Alsta: There are ghost pirates ahead of us.

Y/N (confused): What in the world are ghost pirates?

Alsta: They are the souls of thieves and pirates that have lost their lives to the ocean and are now bounded to the waters. They will try to take down any ship that passes by them so more people can join them. They also have glowing green bodies that can lure in curious sailors or boatmen.

You gulp a little in fear after hearing Alsta's words.

Y/N (scared): S-so we have to fight them?

Alsta: Yep. That's the only way to survive this encounter.

Y/N (thoughts): Oh no.

As the ship sails towards the green light, glowing green figures can be seen floating around along the surface of the water. They're making hoots and howls as they dance around.

Alsta raises up here pistols towards the green figures.

Alsta: Here we go.

Alsta shoots a bullet at on of the ghost pirates. Killing them instantly. You are surprised and so are the other ghost pirates.

Y/N (surprised): How did you kill a ghost with a gun!?

Alsta: Silver bullets.

The rest of the ghosts are angry at Alsta and start charging at the ship. Alsta grins and points her pistols forward.

Alsta (grins): Let's get this party started!

To be continued....

Hello everyone. I was able to make this chapter in my free time. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I wish you all a great day. That's all I have to say for now. I'll see you all next time. Bye.

I don't own any of these pics and characters. They all belong to their respective owners. Thanks for reading.

In A World Filled With Monster Waifus (Izekaied Male Reader x Monster Girls)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum