Chapter 22: Break In pt.3

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(Author LeviAndErenAreMine's note): I'll be using the same song for all chapters of the Break In because it's basically the same but broken into parts. I'm in a really good mood today because of Geography so I'll write a bit more today. 

This story updates on a Monday, Thursday and Saturday so remember to check regularly! :D

~A bit earlier before the explosion, Ymir P.O.V

"Reiner, Berthold should we really be doing this?!" Ymir spoke not believing what they had just said.

"I know you don't want to this because of Y/n and we don't want to either but don't you wanna go back home?" Annie said comforting her friend.

"I wanna go home, I really do but finding Y/n and Historia is like home to me now."

"DON'T FORGET WE ARE FROM MARLEY! THIS ISN'T OUR HOME YMIR!" Reiner yelled out desperately trying to awaken his lost friend.

"What about Y/n? Can we take her back? If we can than I'll do it." 

"Please Reiner and Berthold, I want Y/n with us back home too she completes us." Annie begged.

"Fine," Reiner and Berthold replied.

Though the boys seemed like they didn't care about Y/n that much they really did. They wanted Y/n to be safe, happy and with them just like the girls.

But could their plan go as they wished?

To be Continued...Already Published...

229 Words

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