Chapter eleven - Life or Death

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Marinette waited a few hours flipping through the channels on the TV, but ended up turning it off because all of them were saying that if they had any information about her to call the police. Doing all that only felt like a few minutes, as her racing thoughts kept her occupied. The first signs of dusk were in the air. Terrified, she waited on her bedside watching, waiting for the sun to disappear along the horizon. Adrien laid in the bed to her right, sleeping peacefully. She didn't blame him or dare to wake him. This might be the last good night sleep he'll get, after all, they were on the run. Luckily, there were no ties linking Adrien to Marinette yet. The police had called him earlier asking him why she was in his flat. Adrien lied and said he was out of town and that Marinette was probably just hiding out there. Thank goodness they hadn't seen Adrien and her escape together, or this would have been so much worse.

The police were going to have him questioned in a few days when he got back from his "business trip" and they had already rehearsed his lies multiple times to make sure he got it inside his mind. Adrien was going to make up a story where he had driven down to attend a dinner party and asked Nino to vouch for him. They gave Nino as few details as possible about the situation and did not mention Marinette was involved but he still agreed. Hopefully they would believe his story and he would be safe, because she didn't want to bring anybody that didn't need to be into this. She didn't like that fact that Adrien had to be dragged into this either, but she was going to do what she had to do to prove her innocence.

Finally, the sun fell and dusk arose. Marinette got up slowly, almost paralyzed with fear and dread. Marinette had found some clothes in her size in the closet that probably belong to the previous guest. She put on the jeans and white high neck and slid Adrien's black trench coat over top. She wrote a small note that read 'Just went for some air, I'll be back soon, don't worry.' and left it on the bedside table for Adrien to find. She hoped it would be enough for him not to worry about where she was. She finally moved her feet over to the door and slid away and closed it quietly behind her. When she heard the sound of the door click she started to move. She walked a block or two before hailing a cab. She made sure to keep her head down and used her hair to cover her face. "Where to?" The cabbie asked. 

 "10th street please." She responded. To her luck the cab driver didn't pay much attention to her. She made it to 10th street and paid using a few euros she had taken from Adrien's wallet. She knew he wouldn't mind. Though she still felt bad for taking it, she kept reminding herself that she had no choice, but to do it.

Finally she was in front of the antique shop, she entered the small shop that had vases and paintings hanging on the walls. Old dolls (that kind of freaked her out) cameras, clothes and polaroid's. She walked past the owners of the shop and didn't pay anyone a glance, as did they. She found a sign on the wall with directions to the restrooms and she followed it and to her luck, near the bathrooms where the stairs. She climbed the 4 stories up. The first two stories were part of the shop and the rest were art studios or audio recording studios. Finally she reached the roof.

She pushed the large door open and was met with a crisp cold wind. The air was numbing and sharp as it bit into her skin. Winter was on its way, and she wasn't a big fan of the cold. She shoved her hand in her pockets and started to look around. At least walking around kept her a bit more warm. "I almost thought you wouldn't show up." A voice said from behind. Marinette turned to face the phantom voice. In front of her stood a maroon haired Lila. She was dressed in a large coat, black leggings and combat boots.

"Why am I here?" Marinette asked with disgust in her voice, of course it was Lila, who else could it have been? 

 "To negotiate." Lila said plainly, no emotion in her voice. 

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