Chapter two - Cat's out of the Bag

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"Lila Rossi was here" Marinette read the line over and over in denial. Lila was here? No impossible. The loud clang of the cell bars opening broke Marinette out of her trance. She spun around to face two guards standing on opposite sides of an inmate. The inmate was wearing the same tan uniform just like all the other convicts in this female prison. She had olive skin, pink lips, light green eyes, and maroon hair. Her eyes looked tired, her uncut bangs grew too long for her face and were in the way of her eyesight. The convict just stood there in the doorway staring at Marinette emotionless. One of the guards pushed her shoulder ushering her into the cell. The cell bars swung shut. Marinette was stuck in the same room as Lila Rossi.

Lila just stood there like a statue, her face unmoving, she was caught in a blank stare. "I um... uh..." Marinette said, trying to fill the silence. "I was just-" She was cut off my Lila's snickering. 

 "Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" She asked. Marinette opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. The only answer she could give was a nod. Lila laughed and shook her head once again. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng in prison" She said through her laughter. Lila pushed Marinette out of her way and plopped down on her bed. "So... what did you do?" Lila asked. 

 "I didn't do anything." Marinette responded while sitting down on her bed. 

 "They don't just people in here for no reason Mari."

Marinette scoffed. She was innocent. This was all just a big misunderstanding. "I'm being falsely accused of a crime I didn't commit." She said. 

 "And what would that crime be?" Lila asked while reading a book she had placed in her lap. Marinette wasn't in the mood to argue and she knew Lila wasn't going to stop asking until she got an answer. 

 "Attempted assassination's of the mayor." She said hesitantly. Lila closed the book and stared at Marinette with wide eyes. 

 "That was you?" She yelled. 

 "No," Marinette replied. "I told you, I was falsely accused." Lila scoffed. 

 "Uh huh sure." She said, shaking her head. She grabbed the pile of blankets Marinette had folded and draped it over herself, turning her back to Marinette. Marinette looked out the small barred window in the cell and could see part of the moon in the corner of the window. It was late but sleep could not be farther from her mind.

She waited a moment before gaining the courage to ask. "Lila?" She said quietly. 

 "Yes?" She said drowsily. 

 "How did you get here?" Marinette asked timidly. 

 "Why do you care?" She lashed. Marinette scoffed, Lila hasn't changed one bit. 

 "Just trying to make small talk." Marinette answered. Lila sighed. 

 "Whatever, we both did things to end up here, what does it matter." Marinette had grown tired of her attitude. 

 "I told you I'm innocent." She said before pulling the blankets over her and shutting her eyes. Lila was silent for a moment before blatantly saying. 

 "Yeah I guess you're right why would Ladybug try to kill the mayor."   


Word count: 525 (not counting this)

Prison YardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora