Chapter five - Mission Impossible

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Marinette gasped, She had yogurt dripping off her face, falling into her lap. Her hair drenched in the thick, sticky substance. Marinette wiped her face with her sleeve before chucking her bowl of oatmeal at Lila, hitting her shoulder. "Food fight!" Another inmate screamed as Lila began throwing food at random people, causing an uproar from the prisoners. All the convicts started hurling their meals. Marinette watched as the food flew through the air. Lila tugged on Marinette's arm forcing her to follow. Lila ducked under the table and started to crawl across the floor. 

"Sorry about the yogurt." Lila said. 

 "Oh don't lie you enjoyed that!" Marinette said bitterly.

Together they made their way to the east wall, dogging legs and people ran around chucking food. Marinette was stepped on a few times and Lila was nearly trampled to death by guards who were trying to calm the inmates. The guards screamed orders but their efforts went ignored. Eventually tasers were brought out and the prisoners started to drop like flies. Lila and Mari were coming up on the air vent when the prisoners finally started to listen and went to their knees placing their hand on their heads. The two girls moved quietly as the guard yelled for the inmates to go to their cells. They sat under a table as Lila pried the air vent open. They both squeezed through the small hole in the wall.

The dust filled vent was narrow and cramped. The ceiling hung low causing them to hit their heads every once in a while. Marinette followed Lila as they both army crawled through the aluminum tunnel. The dust filled air smelled of iron and pollen. Every step Mari took echoed through the shaft, bouncing off the tin walls. They had to move quickly before the guards noticed they were missing. Marinette struggled to keep pace with Lila as they crawled. Her forearms burned from dragging her weight as she creeped through the vent.

The sounds from the hallways and corridors traveled through the vents, they could hear their names being called and guards ordering a security sweep of the prison. "Great," Marinette whispered. "We're going to get caught." Lila kept pace as she crawled through the tunnel. 

 "Don't you trust me?" She asked. 

 "Not really, no." Marinette responded with a sarcastic tone. 

 "We're almost there, just keep moving."

Marinette worried about the stability of the aluminum floor. The thin metal would bend as she put weight on it and Marinette anxiety over took her. There was another floor underneath them filled with guards, if they fell though they would never make it out. Her mind filled with doubt and everything that could go wrong. Despite her anxiety her mind drifted off and she started to think about Chat. Oh how she wished he was here and would say one of his stupid cat puns. Lila's voice broke her out of her trance.

"We're here." She whispered. The two of them pried a small metal grate from its home leaving a small hole for them to jump down though. "Ladies first." Lila said smugly. Marinette stuck her head though the opening, the room had lockers stacked against the walls, other than that the room was empty. Marinette pulled her head back up and jumped down. Pain ran through her joints as she hit the ground. Lila wasn't too far behind and jumped down after her, nearly landing on top of Marinette.

Once they were both on the ground they started exploring the room. The lockers had cards with names written on them. The two girls searched for "Dupain-Cheng, Marinette". "Over here." Lila said quietly. Marinette looked over to see a locker with her name plastered on it. Lila pulled out a hair pin and stuck it into the keyhole. 

 "Seriously?" Marinette asked. "What is this, a mission impossible movie?" Lile ignored her and twisted the pin slightly as she worked. Marinette's heart nearly stopped as she heard footsteps nearing the locker room. "Lila?" She whispered, nudging her with her elbow. 

 "I just need one more second." She responded, still trying to pick the lock. The footsteps grew closer and closer. 

 "Lila?" Marinette said, her voice laced with worry. 

 "I almost got it." Lila protested. 

 "There's no time, we gotta get out of here." Lila ignored her. Marinette's heart skipped ten beats as she saw the door knob turn.  


Word count: 735 (Not counting this)

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