The debate.

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Third person:

The men arrived staring at each other with hatred in their eyes, they both had deep hate for each other and the competitive environment didn't help one bit.  Biden had been doing well in the debate and the orange skinned man didn't like that.

    He felt threatened by it, it was clear that one man had prepared more than the other.  So, Trump did the one thing he knew to do.  Interrupt anyone and everyone.  It was successful Joe was clearly getting more and more furious with Donald by the second.  Joe knew this wasn't a good look for him but it was so difficult to contain his fury, it was looking worse for Joe by the second.  Then the two men realized that Trump's tactic was annoying not just Biden but everyone.

    Right then Trump felt a feeling he had hoped to never feel in this situation, failure.  Everyone knew that Biden had won this debate all Trump did during this debate was make things worse for himself.  Biden then looked into Trumps eyes after the debate was over he saw lots of emotions all at once, failure, sadness, but most important anger.  Biden couldn't help but sympathize in the slightest but he couldn't put a finger on why.  In the moment without thinking Joe asked Trump to meet him at lunch so they could have a nice discussion before things got even more intense.  Normally Trump would have turned the offer down but there were cameras shoved in his face forcing him to say yes.


The Impossible romance (Joe Biden X Donald Trump)Where stories live. Discover now