Before the debate (Biden pov)

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Biden pov:

    I woke up at 6:30 AM sharp right next to the love of my life, Jill.  I have a debate in a couple hours with my competition Trump.  I hate that man so much, I could go on for hours about everything that he does wrong, but just as I begin to list things in my head Jill looks at me. "You look upset dear" she says calmly. She says it in the most calm soft voice, but it still seems to make me frustrated. "Sorry love I'm just a bit stressed right now!" I said it more aggressively than I meant but when she looked upset I couldn't really seem to care. "Sorry I didn't mean to upset you more than you were. I understand that you are under lot's of stress right now." Jill said, still a bit surprised by my tone.

    To be honest,  I feel like I'm starting to fall out of love with Jill well actually I was never really in love.  I've always had a thing for men but it's never been acceptable so when I was dating Jill and I saw the love in her eyes whilst we were together and I knew I couldn't get any better than this.  I did love Jill just.. not in that way.  I felt horrible knowing that I lied to her everyday about my undying  love, but I had to stay with her especially if I wanted to be president.  If I left her right now I for sure wouldn't win, and this election is the whole reason I even married a woman.

    As I stood drowning in my own thoughts, I heard Jill's voice."Sorry to bug you dear, but we must leave for the debate." "Ok love be there in a minute." I yelled back.  I started to walk towards the car in my blue suit looking amazing as ever and I saw Jill in the doorway awaiting my arrival so we could walk together.  I linked our arms together and kissed her lightly on the cheek and said,"Let's go love." as I put on my biggest smile I spoke once again "Lets win this debate."

   We sat in the limo as our chifure closed our car door.  I practiced my ideas in my head before I look at Jill, but as I look at her she still looks the slightest bit upset but tries to hide it when she notices me looking. I speak softly "Jill my dearest, I'm sorry I raised my voice earlier I've just been under immense stress at the moment and I might be more tense than normal.  I'm sorry and know I love you so much Jill." She looked up at me as she spoke. "I know this election thing is just taking a slight toll on our marriage, I just need to remember that it will be ok and you'll be in office soon then we can live our forever dream together." She then smiled,  her speech made me feel overwhelmed with guilt. I just don't love her but it's ok I don't have to love her, I just have to act as though I do. I thought to myself as I pulled out a fake wide smile.  The cheufore then spoke before she could get any more words out "we're here."


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