"Thank you," I smiled, hanging up. I walked over to the clerk, asking for the price on the mirror because that was sure to be the most expensive thing of three that I was already falling in love with. I needed a theme. I was thinking swans, because I know how much she loved the stuffed swan I got her. But maybe that was too princess-y.

Less than ten minutes later and my boyfriend was strolling through the cute boutique, looking completely out of place. I giggled as a couple of the teen girls working were gawking at him. He had that disinterested look all over his face, which made him all the more intriguing and sexy. The all black outfit, leather jacket included, definitely made him seem like a bad boy. I was watching the girls smile and whisper amongst themselves. I wonder what they were saying cause he could hear everything. Oh, and they might just die when they hear his accent.

"Dani?" He called.

I smiled, waving to get his attention. He walked over, lips pursed. "Hi, baby," I greeted with a big grin, wrapping my hands around his neck. "Thank you for coming."

"Hi," he grumbled, pecking my lips and grabbing hold of my waist. "You're spoiled, you know that? We shouldn't be here. So let's hurry."

"Look at those girls," I whispered, discreetly nodding in their direction.

"What about them?" He asked, still grumbling.

"They like you," I sang.

"So?" He scoffed. "Come on."

"So? It's funny," I laughed. "I got the hot guy."

He rolled his eyes but started to smirk, "You want to take me to school one day and show me off there too?" He teased.

"I'm tempted," I admitted. "You're like my Zachary Erickson."

"A what?"

"Not a what. A who. Zachary Erickson. Hottest guy that ever went James Madison Memorial High. He was the star of the baseball team. Senior, sexy bad boy look, any girl that hung off of his arm... popular as hell. Every girl wanted to be her... For a week. Because they always ended after a week–"

"I forget how young you are. And how weird the world is."

I furrowed my brows as he let go of me and started walking around. "Wait, so what was it like growing up? Do you even go to school?"

"Yeah, we had a few lessons in the village but mainly what you would call homeschool. But mother was always distracted with her witch business."

"And that was like, what? A billion years ago?" I asked, walking the opposite direction of him. When he looked up and glared at me I smirked. "Love you."

"What are you even buying from here?" He questioned, walking around the circular rack to catch me in his arms.

"A mirror, an ottoman, and this chandelier thing. For Hope's nursery," I said.

He sighed, "Okay."

"Would it kill you to pretend you're having fun so it actually feels like we're spending quality time for once?" I asked, placing my hands on his chest and raising my eyebrows.

"We're together all the time."

I rolled my eyes, pushing against his chest and walking to where the mirror was. "I want this," I told my boyfriend as he followed me.

"Anything you want, love," he replied. I stepped to the side so he could grab the mirror. Instead he just stood there, smirking at me. "You're mad at me."

"No, I'm not," I said, crossing my arms. "Aren't we in a rush? Come on," I hurried him along but he shook his head. "What? I'm not mad."

"Yes, you are," he laughed. "You got that cute little vein in your forehead and your pouting. I think I know when my girlfriend is mad."

I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now