Chapter 15: Draco explains it all

Start from the beginning

"So his family was horrible?" Theo asked his heart going out to Harry before catching himself as he reminds himself of what the other had done to him. "So that gives him the right to be a manipulating asshole?"

"Manipulating Asshole," Draco actually snarled at him. "Do you want to know how he got changed in the first place?"

"Sure why not probable with some high level spell in a library book or something," Theo snarked back.

"No he was told that powerful sources was manipulating his own life and was offered a chance to escape it. He did not realize that meant activating his family's Creature Inheritance. Nor did he expect to be cornered by the Weasette before you rescued him. Do you get the significance of that single act? You were the first person to save him, after a life time of the people he lived with treating him less than a House Elf only to come to Hogwarts with everyone expecting him to be some big savoir is it a shock that he bonded to you so quickly."

"Yeah sure I saved him," Theo said letting go of his knees. "But he could have told me he was Harry when I first started to understand him."

"Would you have believed him? Draco asked making Theo draw up short.

"I guess not but still," Theo said after a few moments

"Harry told me that what ever activated his Creature Inheritance also gave him the gift to talk to only two people. You notice that chose to only activate one alone and just you not just because he could not choose one of the twins," Draco said.

"Why?" Theo asked.

"Why he chose you or why he did not choose the twins for he had been told as Magical Twins he would be able to talk to both after using the gift. As for why he choose you he did not say," Draco stated.

"So he acted like a smart magical creature rather than tell me who he really was. I get that I might not have believed him at first but seriously he could not think of a way to convince me of who he really was."

"From what he told me he had started to enjoy his time in Slytherin House and if he could make you understand who he was he was afraid you would turn your back on him or try to send him back to the Gryffindorks. Also he had started to develop feeling for you he just wanted to be with you even if you only saw him as nothing more then a pet or familiar."

"But why just because I saved him?" Theo asked.

"It was more than that you protected him not only from his former friends but also several students when they got a little rough with him in the Common Room," Draco said point at the door making Theo recall having to swoop in as someone would pet or "play" with Vilu too roughly. "He began to trust you and due to your relationship with us Blaise and myself as well."

"When he learned he could still perform magic he tried to help you as well, the rest of us at the game were just inconsequential it was you he was protecting first from the rain and than the Dementors," Draco said sliding back beside Theo on the bed and throwing an arm around his friend. "He also got a little jealous after he came back and Cho had hit you with her pheromones causing him to wash them away."

"That was him? I thought Dumbles said something about a malfunction in the Wards due to the new security measures," Theo said.

"That's one more was a lie to boost his ego evidently Harry smelled the pheromones on the girl and to make sure neither you or he was blamed for it he made rain of random people. I can tell you he really was devastated when you let it be known that he could talk to you as you broke his trust reminding him the Muggles."

"So why did he come back if I reminded him of the Muggles?" Theo asked. Draco took a deep breath before sharing the nightmare that Harry had had of his former friends tormenting the people he cared about.

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