Chapter 11: Nightmares

Start from the beginning

There was a dangerous glint in his blue eyes as his gaze shifted down to me. My face flushed before I nodded, understanding his cold acknowledgment. He gave me no room to get around him, and behind me was a row of knobby-knees to climb over, so I swung my legs over the bench and went to the row behind.

Before I even had time to turn around and take my seat, I heard a slight whistle in the air and ducked on instinct. The blow didn't make contact with me, but the shout of pain as the weapon hit skin echoed. I swiveled around, my mouth dropping open in horror as I watched the blue-eyed guard beating the muscular man in the back with the metal baton. I slammed a hand over my mouth. The angry red marks on his back turned a purplish red before he'd finally dropped to his knees, but the beating continued. My eyes watered as I watched his body curl on the floor, his arms covering his head and still the guard was relentless.

Evelyn walked towards the guard, a piece of paper in her hand. He stopped immediately and stood at attention, like a soldier waiting for instructions. She gestured to the poor guy bloodied on the floor, barely conscious. "10929251 will be taken immediately to the third level."

The guard nodded. "Understood."

Evelyn's honey colored eyes turned towards me and she smiled before walking to the front of the room. Goosebumps spilled down my arms. I guess the games were about to begin.

It took three male guards to drag him out. I watched, slack jawed, as they shuffled through the exit. The image of his cracked eye socket oozing blood and sliding down the slope of his cheek was going to stay with me for a long time.

Evelyn Baton had gotten her point across; speak when spoken to but even then it was debatable, and don't be over confident. In fact, don't have any confidence at all. Crystal clear had never been so spotless, and my confidence had been wavering the minute I'd entered this place. It diminished further throughout Evelyn's speech.

Remember, you're out of chances. You piss off my guards and you'll wish for death. It was a half-hearted threat; a speech by a mono-tone drone that was spoken too many times for the words to have much of an impact without action. When she finished her emotionless introduction, a Z-bar of old, torn Halloween costumes wheeled in. Once upon a time these were sexy costumes in one of those adult stores where people went for role-playing ideas. Now they were torn and sullied with stains.

Evelyn took a step towards the bar. "Choose your costume carefully," she said. "This is a fun time for all senior inmates here. I want to stress that as newbie's you are nothing." She paused and settled against the table behind her. Her head tilted to the side as she eyeballed the inmates in the front row. "At this facility we encourage safe sexual activity. It keeps everyone docile... for the most part. My advice? If someone wants you, say yes because it's better than the alternative. You don't have to worry about diseases, everyone is clean. We've made sure of it. Females, if you manage to get pregnant, your child will be given to the highest bidder after birth."

Evelyn rolled her eyes towards the ceiling looking bored. Jerking her head towards the first row, she gestured for them to get up. "The only heinous crime in here is murder and some guards don't like drug usage. Apparently, it does something to the meat... my point is, don't come crying to my staff about how you're being abused. If you do, you'll be sent to the third level and there we'll show you what real abuse is. Any questions?"

Nausea slowly settled in the pit of my stomach. Sucking in a shaking breath, I watched as a skinny guy with nipple piercings and a rose colored birthmark on his collarbone lifted his hand. Evelyn raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk playing over her lips. He got the picture when she continued ignoring him, and he lowered his arm, his shoulders hunching over with defeat. I scrubbed my sweaty palms against my itching skirt, trying to breathe through the burning ache in my chest. I wanted out of here. I wanted my mom and dad. I don't belong here, was on replay in my mind. Lifting my hand, I dug my nails into the back of my neck and scratched. At this rate, my nervous habit would make me draw blood.

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