Chapter 23: Duties of a Captain

Start from the beginning

You walked up to the table. "Excuse me, can I sit here with you two?"

The two were still shocked that you suddenly appeared in front of them. A girl with hair at the shoulders nodded. "S-Sure."

You sat down in front of the two. "So, who are you two?"

"My name's Shino." The girl replied. "Shinigami of the 13th Division."

"Yuki Ryūnosuke, also from the 13th Division." The other replied. He looked like a girl.

"Nice to meet you, Yuki-san, Shino-san. I'm Kyōraku (Y/n), Captain of the 3rd Division." You introduced yourself.

Their eyes widened again. "Captain?!" Yuki yelled.

You nodded. "I guess my kimono is covering my haori but yes, I'm a Captain."

Then someone walked up to the two from behind. "Are you two coming or not?"

"Yes sir!" The two said immediately, standing up.

You chuckled. "It's okay! We were just talking, don't worry about it."

"I'm their 6th Seat! They need to get back to work." The man told you calmly, back straight. Seems like he knew you were a Captain.

You stood up. "Alright then, I'll be leaving as well. Have a nice day you three!"

Shino and Yuki joined their sixth Seat. "Captain Kyōraku is much calmer than everyone says." Yuki whispered when they were out of reach.

"That's because you don't know her yet." Their sixth Seat, Kajōmaru Hidetomo replied. "Weren't you two at the fight between her and Captain Zaraki?"

The two shook their heads. Kajōmaru smiled. "Well, I assume you have heard about Captain Zaraki... Captain Kyōraku easily defeated him with Shikai only. It was impressive to see."

"Easily?" Shino questioned. "She can defeat another Captain... Easily?"

Kajōmaru nodded. "Precisely, even before she became a Captain. If you want to know more, you can ask our Captain. He, Captain Kyōraku and her brother have been really good friends since the very beginning."

In the meantime you were already inside the Muken. You held a bag of dango in your left hand and a bag with two cups of tea in your right. "Morning Sōsuke."

"Good morning (Y/n). You came earlier than expected." Aizen said with a smirk on his face.

You chuckled, walking up to him. "Well, I needed to go out anyways. I have some cha dango and your traditional tea."

You unpacked your food and drinks, feeding Aizen his cha dango and letting him drink his tea.

It was around midday when you finally left the Muken again. You sighed, stretching your arms behind your head. "What a pain..."

"Something the matter, Captain?" One of the guards asked when he saw you leave the Muken again.

"Well, I'm about to ask all Captains the same question." You whined a little. "It's a pain. Anyways, I'm off. Have a nice day!"

"You too!"

And so you ran off. Your schedule was arranged quite good. First you'd go to Sui-Fēng, Captain of the second Division.

Fourth Division after that, fifth, sixth... It's pretty easy to understand.

Sui-Fēng's barracks were the ones that were the farthest away from the Muken but you'd do anything to get some answers.

Anyways, let us speed through their answers.

Captain of the 2nd Division: Sui-Fēng

"My duties? Since you came all the way here to ask me this so formally, I guess I'll tell you. Anything that has to do with the Special Operations Team."

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