Chapter 3 - "This can't be real"

Start from the beginning

"Sadly, he's not the only blood sucking monster that goes bump in the night. We also make a living of killing....there's...let me think....werewolves, gargoyles, incubus, dark fae etc etc you get the gist" he finished with a wink.

"Wait so you- Mister Muscle, right now, are trying to tell me" I pointed a finger at my chest "....Esme Hamada....That paranormal creatures exist? And – And that this man hanging infront of me, may look like a 30 year old but is in actual fact a 200 year old VAMPIRE?!!"

"206...but yeh, that's exactly what I'm trying to tell you and you can call me Jan" he pronounced his name as Yon, later finding out he was Dutch in heritage.

"Now don't start to panic, we will be taking this step by step until you'll be the one saying 'bye bye' to these suckers."

And with that he produced a wooden stake engraved with markings that he launched with the speed of a lightning bolt into the centre of the vampire's chest, his muscles rippling as he moved. If I had blinked I would have missed it, I'd never seen such power before but the moment the stake penetrated, not fully rooting itself however, the vampire appeared paralysed.

"Come closer" he said, gesturing with a flick of his finger, a small smile playing on his lips.

I took tentative steps toward him, watching the vamp with close, searching eyes. I wasn't going to be taken by surprise as my feet slowly and silently ate up the distance.

"BOOOO!!" yelled Jan, jumping at me from beside the now paralyzed vampire.

I shrieked and threw myself backwards, falling in a heap on the floor.

"What the hell?" I yelled at him, watching as his form dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"Y- Your face w- was pr-priceless!" He laughed and pointed towards me, clutching at his stomach as I glowered at him.

As I dusted myself off and climbed to my feet I flipped him the bird.

"Jerk" I muttered as I started walking back towards the exit

"Woah there girly" he said grabbing my shoulder "it was only a joke!"

I carried on walking; I wasn't giving in that easily.

Jan appeared infront of me, his towering form blocking my path.

"Esme, I'm sorry" he whispered, gently griping my upper arms.

My breathing caught as I looked up into his deep blue eyes.

"Beg" I mumbled. I could atleast get a kick out of seeing a grown man on his knees. He didn't have to know I had already decided to stay.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"I want you to beg" I giggled and then put my poker face back into place.

Trying to keep the smile off my face, I watched as he got down on his knees infront of me, his angelic face portraying rapture as he bowed down infront of me.

"To the best hunter I've ever met, please you beautiful stubborn women! Forgive me!"

I couldn't help laughing then. His bottom lip trembled as he stuck it out and clasped his hands infront of him, giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen.

"Oh jeez, okay I forgive you! Just stop giving me that look!! It's killing me!" I felt like I'd say yes to anything when he was giving me that look.

He scrambled to his feet, grinning.

"I'm in the wrong profession don't you think? Should have been an actor" he said with a wink.

I shook my head at him, dear god he was such a cocky shit.

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