Kaylee sighs. "Come on, Y/N, I'm sorry I snapped I'm just stressed."

"It's not about you snapping at me, Kaylee, it's about you being distant. For the last month, I've barely seen you. You work more than you're put down to do, you leave before I do and come back late at night. When we do see each other, you barely say anything to me and when you do you're just complaining that I've done something wrong. That I shower too long. That I haven't made you dinner. I have some news for you, Kaylee, I'm not your maid. I do college work all day along with a part time job, when I get home I'm also tired but I push through it for you. I've had such a shit week, I've been so low within myself and you've been too self centred to realise that all I've needed is my girlfriend to reassure me that everything's gonna be okay. So no, it's not about snapping at me." You tell her angrily.

Kaylee frowns sadly when she realises how selfish she's been. "Y/N-"

"Save it, Kaylee." You sigh.

Kaylee frowns and grows angry. "I haven't done anything wrong. I've been invested in work, that's not a crime! You can't have a tantrum and storm out just because my world doesn't evolve around you! News flash, Y/N, you're not that special. Come back when you've stopped being a self centred, whiny bitch." She snarls.

Your heart breaks at her words, memories of your Dad calling you that flies back and you stumble away from her, tears exploding from your eyes. Kaylee realises what she's said and she gulps with wide eyes.

"Y/N, I-"

You grab your bag and shake your head. "Don't text me. Don't call me. I don't wanna talk to you. Not until you fix whatever's going on with you." You say before storming out of the room.

Kaylee's eyes widen and she desperately runs after you, practically flying down the stairs to stop you.

"No, don't go! Please!" Kaylee begs as you open the front door, stepping out of the house. "Y/N!" She sobs as you get into your car. "I'm sorry!" She falls to her knees in tears as she watches you drive away.

She messed up and she doesn't know if she can get you back this time.

"Hey." Your sister greets and kisses the top of your head.

"Hi. There's dinner in the fridge." You tell her, your eyes not lifting from your textbook.

Danielle raises an eyebrow and takes the plate out of the fridge. "You cooked. A lot." She comments seeing the fridge full of cooked meals.

"I stress cooked." You admit with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" She asks, putting the plate in the microwave before turning to face you.

"Online classes, you know?" You shrug which makes her sigh. You're in college, training to be a surgeon.

"Y/N." Danielle says sternly.

Tears fill your eyes and you look down. "How is she?" You ask. It's been two weeks since you left.
Danielle sighs and sits next to you, grabbing your hand. "She's ok."

"Ok." You mumble, your heart broken. Is that supposed to make you feel better or worse?

"I mean, she's just.. ok. She doesn't mess around all the time like she used to do, but she isn't-"

"Like me?" You ask, "She isn't falling apart and looking for anything to hold onto? She's okay without me." You laugh bitterly and nod.

Danielle frowns sadly. "I'm gonna kick her ass." She whispers and strokes your hair. "Wanna have a movie night? It might take your mind off things."

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