Strong⚠️- Hizzie/You

Start from the beginning

You're okay, Babygirl, we've got you.

Hope's voice fills yours and Lizzie's head soothingly.

They hold you and comfort you until you pass out from exhaustion a little while later. Lizzie looks over at the wolf with sad eyes, Hope just licks her cheek and releases some calming pheromones. Lizzie picks you up and the two walk back to your room.


"What the hell happened?" Josie asks as she bursts into the room.

The wolf growls at the intruder and lunges at Josie but Lizzie quickly jumps in front of her sister. Hope whines and immediately backs away in anguish at almost hurting her mate.

Lizzie sighs and turns to her worried sister. "What happened?" She asks again.

"Rafael attacked her." Lizzie whispers, tears filling her eyes. "When we walked into his room, he was forcing himself on her."

"Oh my god." Josie whispers in shock, looking over at her sleeping best friend. "Is she okay?"

"No." Lizzie's voice cracks. "We're supposed to protect her, and then she-"

"Shh." Josie coos and hugs her sister. "You couldn't of known this was going to happen."

Lizzie pulls away from the hug when she hears you stir in the bed. She rushes to your side as you sit up.

"Hey." Lizzie whispers softly as Hope jumps up onto the bed next to you.

"Hi." You say and grab her hand.

"How are you feeling?" Lizzie asks concernedly, gently cupping your cheek with her free hand.

"I don't know." You sigh. "Weak?"

"He won't ever hurt you again, baby, we won't let him." Lizzie reassures. "You're okay now."

You nod with teary eyes. "I know."

Josie walks over to you and kisses your forehead. "You know where I am if you need me, sleepy."

"Thank you, dopey." You whisper with a small smile.

"I'm gonna go talk to Dad, make sure Rafael gets expelled." Josie says before leaving.

"Hope baby, can you change back? I need you." You whisper and scratch behind her ear.

The wolf licks your wrist before trotting off to the bathroom. Lizzie pulls you into her arms and lays down.

"You're so strong, Y/NN, you're going to get through this." Lizzie reassures.

"I'm fine, baby." You assure and stroke her waist.

"You can't lie to me, Y/N, I know you better than you know yourself." Lizzie quips and kisses your forehead.

You release a deep breath, knowing she's right. "Whatever." You mumble playfully.

Hope walks out of the bathroom a few minutes later, dressed in comfy clothes. She joins you and Lizzie on the bed and hugs you from behind.

"No one will ever hurt my girls as long as I'm alive." Hope growls softly.

"You're immortal." Lizzie reminds which makes Hope huff.

"Exactly." She says. "You two are my girls, I won't let any harm come to either of you. I love you both too much to lose you."

"We love you too, Hopey." Lizzie smiles and scratches Hope's head.

"So much." You add on with a yawn.

"Tired still, Princess?" Lizzie asks.

"Yeah." You mumble into her neck.

"Get some sleep, we'll be right here the whole time." Hope reassure and kisses your shoulder.

"Sleep tight, beautiful. Don't forget we love you more than anything." Lizzie whispers which makes your heart flutter, a smile gracing your lips as you fall asleep.

"I'll always protect you two. Always and forever." Hope tells the blonde who smiles.

"I know you will, babe, that's why we love you." Lizzie says softly.

"The only reason?" Hope asks.

Lizzie smiles teasingly. "We love you for your cooking skills as well." She teases which makes Hope fondly roll her eyes.

"I love you, Lizzie." She smiles.

"I love you too, Hope." Lizzie replies lovingly.

"Love you." You mumble, basically asleep.

Your girlfriends smile adoringly and press kisses to your head and shoulder.

"We love you too."

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