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ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ ᴍɪᴅᴏʀʏɪᴀx black fem! reader

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ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ ᴍɪᴅᴏʀʏɪᴀ
x black fem! reader


(a/n: don't be fooled by the picture and gif above, this is not a happy chapter )

third person pov

it was a sunday morning, 8:37 am. y/n was awake in her room, doing her hair. she decided to go with box braids. they were simple, yet cute. she sighed, her arms tired and herself bored. she decided to facetime deku, also remembering that he wanted to tell her something when she was at bakugou's house. she pressed the call button and waited as the phone rang. eventually he answered, his hair messy and his eyes half lidded.

"hmm, hi y/n," he mumbled with a small smile.

"ouuu, i swear, y'all tired and morning voices are immaculate," she sighed. "i gotta stop calling y'all while y'all sleeping. my bad."

"no, no, it's okay," he reassured. "um, is there something you need?"

"nah, not really. just bored," she yawned. "im doing my hair by myself so i ain't got no one to talk to."

"really? you didn't like what i did to your hair?" deku smirked.

"boy, shut up. you know i liked it," y/n smiled. "just doin' some box braids for the dance."

"ouu, can i see? i-if that's not disrespectful—"

"of course it ain't disrespectful, here." she fixed the phone up so deku could see her face and hair. half of her hair was already braided while the other half was still undone.

"wow, that's so cool...how did you do it?" deku asked, all amazed.

"why, dekquan? you wanna learn?" y/n asked with a smug smile. "anyways, it didn't take me that long to learn. it's really easy, just took me a while to make sure these things are tight enough." y/n then remembered something. "deku, you were saying something on friday when i was at bakugou's house...but the phone hung up. what did you want to tell me again?"

deku was suprised y/n still remembered that. "oh, i just wanted to rant about my dad because of what happened that day. i'm fine now, though."

"oh my gosh, i'm sorry, i wasn't even paying attention to you—"

"no, it's okay, i'm sure you and bakugou were, um, busy."

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃,i. midoryia ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt