Chapter 1/Vacation

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I never even entertained the idea that college was easy ,but damn it didn't have to be so hard either. That is why I am so excited and ready for my summer vacation to LA, California, with my best friend this will be my first time ,one: being on a plane ,two: going outside of Texas. Well , technically I have been out of state but I was a baby so I don't remember ; therefore in my book it doesn't count. 

When attending college I was staying in a dorm ,so I had to move back in my Mom's house; thank God that I am getting an apartment for my upcoming senior year. I love my Mom and all ,but I also love  having my own space.  Anyway; right now I am packing for the upcoming excursion, while talking to my friend Tran on the phone about where we are going to meet.

" How about you come and pick me up at the house and we can carpool?" I suggest.

" Sounds good girl and since we have to be at the airport before 10:00am , we need to be heading to the airport at about 6:30am." She said in her Vietnamese accent. Her English is getting better ,because she kind of fell off after we graduated high school. Obviously ,because she didn't need to speak English as much as she did in high school. 

The reason we have to leave so early is because we live in this little town called Palestine ,that is a good ways away from the DWF airport.

"Ok I'll be ready and waiting with unbridled anticipation!" I said with a grin from ear to ear. 

For a moment there was just silence on the phone, until she spoke. 

"What I tell you about using words I can't understand? You know, damn well I don't know what that means." She said with amusement in her voice mixed with a little frustration.

" Basically it means I am very excited to go to California!" I exclaimed laughing. 

We talked about a bunch of Random stuff before we said our goodbyes and then hung up.

"Nene, can we go please?" My little brother and sister say simultaneously ,calling me by my nickname.

"Do ya'll have ,can we go please money?" I ask them looking down at them with a small smile on my face, finding their twin antics adorable. They are eight years old, Lola who is the oldest has the most beautiful paper sack brown, kinky curly hair ever in my opinion. My Momma says she gets her almond shaped eyes from me ,but while her irises are a beautiful light brown, mines are on the darker side. She has a medium sized-nose and some big lips that all sits in her oval-shaped face ,also she has pretty honey caramel skin like her big sister. Leviticus my little brother and her twin is the youngest ,his hair is shaved with some nice waves, his skin is a little bit darker, on the almond side. He has the same eyes, nose and, lips as his twin ,but he has more of a square face. "What Momma say?" I asked indulging them.

"That we can't go." They said at the same time ,hanging their heads.

I squatted in front of them tipping both of their chins up," I tell you what ,when I come back from California ,we can all go to a water park. How does that sound? Huh?" I told them ,looking both of them in their eyes for emphasis.

"For real?" They asked with skepticism in their voices.

"Yes for real ,if I say it I mean it. Now get your little bootees out of here and go play." I said while tickling them. They squealed and laughed, twisting their bodies away from me, running away. Those little buggers are so precious to me , every since my Dad left my Momma ,she kind of started going down hill mentally, but she stayed strong for us and pushed through it and continued to take care of us like Nothing happened. Seeing that made me want to be strong for her and be someone she can lean on ,so I started helping her as much as a could with the little ones. She always puts up a front, telling me she was alright and that what I need to worry about was my education, I love that strong Black woman and aspire to be like her one day.


" Y'all better get in the bed." My Momma yelled at my younger siblings.

" But it's summer Momma , Why do we have to go to bed early?" Lee a.k.a Leviticus asks with a whiny tone in his voice.

It got quiet so I knew Momma was about to go off on Lee, she hates it when we question her, I'm surprised he hasn't learned that by now I know I did when I was around their age ,I would get a good spanking for questioning Momma. Surprise surprise she didn't do it much after me, but like everyone with younger siblings know they could get away with murder if they decided to commit it.

" Because I said so, that's why damnit, now go get in the bed!" She yelled down the hall.  

I laughed while shaking my head, I decided that I should be heading to bed too, but first I needed to take a shower. 

After getting out of the shower I did my nighttime routine, which entails: brushing my teeth, washing my face and then putting my face cream and/or face mask on ,lastly moisturizing not just my face , my whole body. After doing all that I started to get drowsy so I got under the covers and drifted off to sleep.


Getting off the plane in LAX airport ,everything just seemed so different from Texas  ,I am awed by the bustling and the dazzle of the city, don't get me wrong I have been in a city plenty of times ,but this just made me feel like I haven't before. I felt like some sort of country bumkin, but my personality did not let me feel that way for long ,because I don't give a damn what anyone thinks of me ,I actually have been known for that. For having a distance and cold disposition towards most things, because to me feelings just seem to get in the way.

" Come on girl let's go,  so we can get to the Airbnb and drop off our things, we about have some fun!" Tran says drawing me out of my daydream. 

Looking up and realize that we have already collected our luggage and headed outside the airport to catch a cab. I sped up to catch up with her.

As we are pulling up to the Airbnb ,I can hardly contain my excitement it is so beautiful and not far from the beach so I have been told. Collecting our things out of the cab ,we pay the cabby and he leaves. Walking to the front door, we knock and a couple seconds later the door opens to a nice looking Caucasian middle-aged woman with auburn shoulder length hair. 

As soon as she sees us she starts smiling," Hello," she chirps ,"you must be Ms. DO and Ms. Dones? Right?" She inquires

" Yes, we are." We answer in unison. 

She shows us the house, tells us the rules and regulations then ,gives us the keys and leaves.

" Let's get this party started!" Trans yells as soon as the woman exits the house , dancing.


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