End Of Sao: Oblivion...

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Beep.......... Beep.......... Beep..........

We hear...a quiet,beeping noise...a slight humming noise...cars honking in the street,birds singing songs in the trees.

We open my eyes,and see our NerveGear's visor...making everything a shade darker. We sit up...and look around our room. White tiled floor,white walls,a UV unit attached to my arm,an end table near the bed we were in. A lamp on the table...we take off my nervegear... get off our bed,we drag our UV unit with us to the window. A tree blocking off the view of everything...

Something is...off.

We heard a bunch of shuffling steps,and a gleeful squeal. Our door opened and in walked a girl. She had long, dark brown hair,she was skinny and her eyes were brown. She looked at us,at first with tears of joy in her eyes,then the joy turned to...what seemed like fear.

"A-A-Akuma? Is that you?" She asked us. We nodded. We turned my view back to the tree.

"Are you alright? " she asked....we...we don't know...she should be used to the fact that we're not the Akuma she knew...we're...Not alright...we nodded. The sun...it was shining through the leaves...the sunlight...specks of it was hitting our face...what...what is this?...we turned to Yuri...Just now realizing how everything was off...we couldnt...feel...we can't feel her...what is she feeling right now?

"Yuri...what is it that you are currently feeling?" we asked her,our voice,different. She looked at me,staring into our eyes.

"You're...You're the Akuma...that I started to trust...You're not my cousin...You're still you..." she said. I'm still me? We awoke,knowing not who we were,are we still that being... The voices....the screams...the whispers...they're.......they're gone....we feel...cold...we looked at my hands,skinny and pale...we walked to my bed,a mirror inside the end table...we grabbed it and looked at our reflection...our eyes...the-theyre...our hair...Am...are we still in Sao?...What are we looking at... our hair...was the same...White,with black bangs... our canine teeth...were long and sharp...our eyes...the left was gold and the other was red... No...I'm not in Sao...The voices...they're gone...Im still...dæmonic...This is reality...I...there is no we...just I....

Just me...


A/N: So...sao is gone...its been beaten by Kirito...Akuma and most players wake up in reality...so...I'm done...with sao,moving on up to Alfheim Online! Going to continue it on the next Chapters!

Oh...and Akuma... he has white hair IRL now,just like his sao character! Also,sharp canine teeth,and light brown eyes that look golden! I will explain it in the next chapter,why he looks like that that is... a very scientific explanation!

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