Chapter 1 - A Fortunate Encounter

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July 5, 3106, Musutafu Shopping District

<Narrators POV>

We watch as a green-haired boy dashes through a Merch store, running like a rocket to the All Might Aisle, being followed by a woman with similar green hair, presumably his mother.

The young boy is excited as he gets to pick a toy for himself as a gift from his mom. The boy spends what felt like hours trying to choose his birthday present. When he finally decides what he wanted he picks it up and runs to find his mom, but the kid, much like a certain green-haired character from another show, runs in the wrong direction and bumps into a tall, thin man wearing baggy clothes.

<???'s POV>

I was walking around the Merch Shop looking for something to buy for David's daughter, Melissa when a tiny kid around 3 years old bumps into me. I am thankful for my 'alternate' form. It really prevents unwanted attention while I am grocery shopping.

"Hey kid, you alright?" I ask the kid.

"Oh! I'm alright. I'm a strong boy. And sorry for bumping into you." He replied. "Though I think I'm lost, can you help me find my Mom?"

"Uhh.... Ok. Why don't I put you on my shoulders and then you can try to search for your mom? That sounds good?" I suggested.

"You seem like a good person. So okay." The boy exclaims as he nods his head in agreement. I pick him up and place him on my shoulders. We walk around for a bit when he sees his mom at the help desk. I put him down so that it's easier for the both of us to walk. As I start walking, I proceed to have small talk with the kind and learn that his name is Izuku Midoriya. He then asked me my name to which I reply, "Just call me Mr. Yagi."

We walk for a minute more when a green-haired lady approaches us, and the kid leaves my hand and runs towards her. The 2 green-haired mother-son duo hug each other.

"Mom this is Mr. Yagi, he helped me find you when I got lost. Mr. Yagi this is my mom." The kid says as he introduces me to his mom.

"Mr. Yagi, I can't thank you enough for helping my son. And I am sorry for the trouble he caused. I'm Inko Midoriya by the way." The green-haired lady introduces herself while thanking me at the same time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Midoriya. I'm Toshinori Yagi. And it wasn't much of an issue Mrs. Midoriya, Little Izuku here is pretty well mannered so he wasn't much of a trouble. Now if you don't mind, I will take your leave. Bye, little Izuku." I respond.

Just as I was about to leave, I feel a tug on my pants, I look down to see little Izuku.

"Mr. Yagi, would you like to come to my birthday party on the 15th?" He asks with big-puppy eye.

"Izuku, Mr. Yagi might not be free, and isn't it a bit too much to ask from him?" Mrs. Midoriya said, lightly scolding him.

"B-But he helped me, I want to thank him for that." Izuku pleaded.

I glance at my schedule to see if I had any paperwork aligned for the 15th and decide to push all the paperwork to the 16th, I can imagine the face Naomasa will give me when I tell him but his face had nothing in front of Little Izuku's Puppy eyes. "I think I can take a few minutes off my schedule for him if that is alright with you Mrs. Midoriya."

"Are you sure, Mr. Yagi? I hope it isn't too much to ask from someone we've just met." Mrs. Midoriya asked me.

"Oh it's quite alright, plus it's hard to resist those eyes of his." I said with a smile.

"Alright, but Izuku you will have to behave properly this whole week and make no mischief. Understand?" She tells the young boy.

"Yes, mom." Izuku answers with a bright smile.

"Mr. Yagi, if it's not too much, could I get your number, just so I can send you my address for when you come to the party?" She asked me.

"Uhm, sure." I respond as I enter my work number into her phone. "That is my work number, I don't have a personal number as of now, so in case you wanted to speak to me, just all that number and ask for me."

"Will do, Mr. Yagi. And thank you for helping Izuku." She said as she took her to leave, carrying Izuku in her arms, heading to the payment counter.

Midoriya residence - An hour later

<Inko's POV>

Izuku and I finally reached home after shopping for some birthday décor and some ingredients for cake and katsudon. The poor boy was so tired after shopping that he slept on the taxi ride back home. I had already tucked Izuku to bed as he was already out like a light and proceed to get ready for bed.

I saw a picture that was kept next to my bed, one of me, Hisashi and Izuku. While looking at it, I remembered the day me and my brother were put up for adoption. My brother was heart-broken from it but he never understood why mother did what she did. He was a bit too young at the time. The memory of my mother and brother made me reminded me of something from a long time ago, someone that mom used to talk about. But I was still unsure of it and I didn't want to make any unnecessary assumptions just yet.

Me: Hey, Mr. Yagi if it is not too much trouble could you drop by our house whenever you are free? 

 Sent @ 20:00

I leave my phone on my bed and then go take our shower. When I come out of the bathroom, I see a notification from Mr. Yagi's contact.

Mr. Yagi: I think I can take some time on the 13th of this month.

Me: Would 5 in the evening work? I know it might seem odd but there is something that I did want to discuss and I would prefer to do it in person.

Mr. Yagi: Sure. And no issues, I'll see you then. Good night.

Me: Good night, Mr. Yagi.

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