Chapter 9: The Dinner Party

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure he's okay?" I questioned Damon.

"Yes, Stefan. He's fine. Gotta run. Have a murder to plan. Busy day," Damon told me before hanging up. I brought my phone down and looked at the screen. I then looked at Elena again. She was still reading a journal with a look on her face. I couldn't quite tell what it was.


Elijah's POV

Jenna was giving me a historical tour around Mystic Falls. It was interesting, plus it would be even more intriguing to see what everyone's reaction for me going on a tour with Elena's aunt would be.

"The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence," Jenna informed me.

"Ah, the Fells. One of the Founding Families," I commented, a little sarcastically.

"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna questioned me, clearly picking up on my tone.

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier. There was a migration of townsfolk from the Northeast. Um, it was Salem, to be precise," I told her, however it wasn't from research. It was from personal experience.

"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" Jenna inquired, a bit amused and imtruiged. I wouldn't blame her. She had no knowledge of the supernatural, which meant she didn't know that witches existed. Just not the ones people talk about in stories. I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Which means the ever-lauded founding families...didn't actually found anything," I told her.

"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial," Jenna commented. I couldn't tell if that was a joke or a fact, so I kept my normal emotionless look on my face. I looked in a direction where someone was coming. I knew instantly who it was.

"Yes, there are," I stated, looking at the history teacher/vampire hunter that had come to see us. Walking beside Alaric was Ryan Salvatore.

"Uh, Elijah this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman, and you've already met Ryan," she introduced us, not knowing we've met before on much different circumstances.

"I got your, uh, message about walking Elijah through the property lines. I thought I would, uh, tag along. You know, being a history buff and all," He told us. However, he was clearly only here to make sure I didn't hurt Jenna.

"And, I'm here because I was with him at the time he received your message. Therefore, he dragged me along with him," Ryan told us. Alaric rolled his eyes whilst Ryan smirked.

"Where to next?" Alaric questioned.

"Hopefully home," Ryan muttered under his breathe. No human would've been able to hear him, but I did. I covered up my small chuckle with a cough and no one noticed.

"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history," I told them. I knew all about them, but Jenna had left that information in the car.

"I only brought the surveys. I've got that list in my car. Just give me a sec..." Jenna began and left to get the information. When she was out of hearing range I began to speak.

"Alaric Saltzman. You're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect," I stated, for now ignoring Ryan.

"Yeah, so is Jenna," Alaric reminded me.

"What about me?" Ryan butted in. Alaric glared at him, whilst I just decided to answer him, otherwise he would've kept asking.

"You are on Elena's list," I told Ryan, before turning to Alaric, "You don't have to be jealous. I rarely pursue younger women."

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