Chapter 5: By the Light of the Moon

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Ryan's POV

Damon came home last night to tell me the bad news. While me, Damon, Elena and Rose were at Slater's apartment, Katherine took Jeremy. Then, Stefan went bast the boundary spell to save him. It was incredibly stupid. Now I had one brother locked in a tomb with a friend, who is supposed to be my enemy, and another brother who is more reckless.

When Damon left my room, I cried while looking at the picture. The same picture that was over 145 years old. The same picture that bought happy, sad and angry memories back. The same picture of two people who held my heart and took it with them when they left. The same people that caused me to turn my switch off for a year.


I was sitting in the living room, sketching, whilst slurping on a smoothie I made with strawberries, raspberries, a little bit of milk and a blood bag.

I was thinking over everything that happened in Mystic Falls and then listing reasons why I should stay and why I should leave.

To say that the list of why I should leave was longer than to stay, was an understatement. On the reasons why I should stay there were just about ten reasons. But on the one of reasons I should leave, was way over 20.

However, there was one reason that meant I was staying. It was more significant and more important than all the other reasons. It was that: Everyone would die if I didn't help.

Elena was convinced that getting Stefan out of the tomb, in which he was stuck in with Katherine, was the top priority. However, my brother kept insisting that before we got him out, we needed to de-spell the moonstone.

It sounded too easy, as I've said before. I didn't tell anyone though. They were so hopeful that this would work and save Elena. I didn't want to tear away that hope.

Stefan asked Damon to keep Elena away. She'd do anything to protect herself and her friends, including sacrificing herself. It was selfish.

If I could've taken her place, I would. That's only because if I died, barely anyone would mourn. The people in Mystic Falls had only known me for a little while. My brothers have gotten used to living life without me.

The only person that would possible mourn properly, was Katherine. And that's because I was probably her only genuine friend. Even then, she could her over it. She was Katherine Pierce (or Katerina Petrova). She got over the death of her family. She could do anything.

Jeremy's POV

I heard Bonnie and Elena arguing. I had developed feeling for Bonnie. I must admit, it was a stupid idea to go into the tomb without anyone. However, I didn't want Bonnie to get hurt.

I felt guilty. Stefan sacrificed his freedom so I would be safe and alive. He should've just left me there. But he didn't. At least we got the moonstone.

"What are you guys arguing about?" I asked the two girls who were sitting on my sister's bed.

"Not arguing about anything," Bonnie lied, talking quickly. Ryan had taught me some clues about how to tell if someone was lying. I needed more practise, but I'd soon tell. I don't know why he was teaching me. When I asked him why, he said (and I quote) "I am bored, everyone's risking their lives and everywhere I turn there's drama. What we're doing now, doesn't revolve around drama,".

Elena's POV

Bonnie left my room but Jeremy stayed. He stared at me for a second. I decided to break the silence.

"What?" I asked him, tired and fed up.

"Why are you on some suicide mission?" Jeremy asked me.

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