Chapter 13

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"I'm really proud of us," Kuroo whispered, his hot breath tickling Kenma's cheek. He nuzzled their noses together, causing a feeling of warmth to spread throughout Kenma's body.

He was proud of them, too. Now he'd finally graduated, they could move in together properly, finally make their own home. Their own little corner of the world. He reached down to grab Kuroo's hand in his own, pulling it up to kiss his palm.

"Kenma, you can't do cute shit like that, it makes my heart weak," Kuroo whined, prompting Kenma to plant another kiss on his boyfriend's hand- just to see him blush.

"We have a home," Kenma said, smiling wide as he looked up at Kuroo.

Kuroo pressed a kiss to Kenma's forehead. "Can we celebrate?"

"What? Isn't it too early in the day to drink?"

Kuroo laughed. "No, that can be later. Dance with me first?"

Kuroo had completely outdone himself in sappiness, this was a new high. But Kenma was happy, ridiculously in love, and wanted to celebrate, so he nodded his head. This prompted Kuroo to pull his phone from his pocket, scroll through a couple of menus, before playing a slow love song.

He stuck out his hand to Kenma. "May I have this dance?"

Kenma took his hand. "Of course."

Kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma's back once again, Kenma lifting his arms in turn to wrap around Kuroo's shoulders. They swayed, completely out of time with the music, but too caught up in their own little world to even notice.

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