Louis was confused and alarm bells were ringing in his head, "What do you mean Haz?"

Harry physically flinched at the pet name, as if he didn't want to hear it, "I'm breaking up with you."

Louis froze, his mind running a mile a minute trying to find a reason why, "Wh-what? Why?"

"I can't keep pretending anymore." He said as he looked away walking toward his bags, "It's been a long time in coming, Louis. Surely you didn't think this was forever did you?"

Louis' eyes began to fill with tears his and knees began to shake, "So...so all that stuff you'd say to me. About being with m-me forever-"

"Was all sweet words to keep you around." He completed airily, completely shattering Louis' heart, "Why should I continue to waste my time with a talentless loser when the band is splitting up?"

For fuck's sake the least he could do is look at me when he's tearing me apart! Louis mentally cried out.

"Also, I want someone better. Better voice...better body," He shook his head, grabbing his things while still not looking at Louis, "You were a good fuck as I'm sure I was to you, but it's over. Have a nice life Louis, don't wait for me."

He left the flat leaving Louis frozen in place where he stood. In that instance, Louis ran over everything about their relationship, if it could be considered that, and questioned every interaction they had wondering if what they had was true love or not.

Coming up empty he finally allowed himself to collapse on the floor and cry. As he was sobbing, he managed to grab ahold of his phone and get Niall and Liam to come over and tell everything that happened to them in excruciating detail.

By the end of the night, when Louis was asleep, Harry Styles was public enemy number one for the former members of One Direction.

***Flashback End***

Louis' eyes were a bit misty from remembering that day. He had planned to take Harry out on a date and enjoy some off time with him like they rarely got to in the band, but they were apparently not on the same page.

He's done pretty well for himself. He's grown beyond Harry and what his words defined him as. He's worked through his insecurities and stepped into his power. He's taken back those parts of himself that he allowed to fall away. He released singles, and while it's not a full album like Harry's done he thinks he's got plenty of reason to not have an album out.

He wouldn't even know what Harry's done, he's done his level best to separate that part of his life from his current phase of life. He still follows Harry on social media, but he's hardly active enough to warrant unfollowing.

No, the straw that broke the camel's back was when Harry didn't come to support him for his performance of Just Hold On at the X Factor in 2016 and then also didn't come to his mother's funeral.

He shook himself and decided to practice what his shirt said and smiled. It looked a bit awkward in the mirror because he still felt like he was forcing it, but he knew that once he saw some of the acts he would feel much better.

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