"No, that's not a name, It has to be something good" Zeno thinks to himself, before turning to the quite Abi on what he thinks on what to call her. "What do you think Abi, What's a good name for the little miss?" Zeno asks.

Abi looks to the side in deep thought before looking at Zeno with a blank look before looking away and replying. "What about.... Hisui?" Abi says.

"Hisui" I speak up, testing the name and the four of them look at me, "I think that would be a wonderful name." I tell them.

"Its not a bad name..." Gu-En says to himself.

"Wow. Wasn't expecting that reply from you Seiryuu." Shu-Ten says with a smirk on his face.

"Why you....." Abi says glaring at Shu-Ten.

"Zeno thinks its a great name as well" Zeno reply's with a huge grin before turning to me and the little dragon in my arms "What do you think of the name miss?" He reply's excitedly before realizing that she isn't responding. "Miss?" Zeno asks.

"I'm afraid the little dragon has fallen asleep. You'll have to let her know of the name when she wakes up." I let them now as we arrive at the gates of the castle, entering through the gates as they open.

~Little Dragon's POV~

I feel like I'm on a cloud, its so soft. I open my eyes, rubbing them with my tiny hand to get rid of the sleep in my eyes, I sit up to see where I am. I notice that I'm in some kind of room on a bed. I remove the blanket that's laying on top of me and jump off the bed and run over to the window that's close to me and peer out of it, the sun is rising and the view is so pretty. The suns coming up over the horizon in different blues, I notice that I must be in the castle and smile. I don't know how long I stood there staring out the window until I hear a knock on the door before it opens, so I turn to the door to see a lady coming in with some type of clothing in her arms.

I smile at her and approach her. "Hello, miss." I say and she looks surprised before smiling down at me. "Well, hello there little one. I'm here to get you cleaned up and dressed properly." she tells me in a kind and gentle voice. "Okay." I tell her and grab the hand that she offered me so she can lead me to another door on the other side of the room. She opens the door to show a giant bucket looking thing filled with water. The nice lady sets something down on a table near the door before turning to me. " Lets get you cleaned up, come on, off with the clothes." she tells me so I take off the clothes I have on forgetting that in doing so shows the little bruises that I have all over my body. "Oh my!" the lady says as she notices my bruises. I turn to her with a gentle smile on my face as I reassure her. "Don't worry miss, there only bruises, they'll fade away over time." I tell her as I walk over to the giant bucket looking thing with my head only being above the top as I peer in trying to touch the water.

Feeling hands under my arms lifting me up, the lady puts me in the water gently. I sit down in the worm water and turn to the lady, "So, what's your name?" I ask her curiously, she turns to me with something in her hands and smiles at me as she gets on her knee's to access my little body better. "My names Miku." she tells me as she places a smaller bucket into the water and dumbing it over my head slowly, I close my eyes to prevent the water from entering them, as I reopen them she starts to mess with my hair, rubbing and slightly scratching my head. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling until more water is pored over my head again, I look down at the water to see bubbles on the surface. I smile and grab at it with my right hand as Miku takes my left and rubs the white fluffy bubbles over it and my back moving to my other arm before rinsing them as well. It's silent but it's a comfortable silence as I giggle at the weird bubbles asking what it is. "Hmm? That is soap. It's used to clean your hair and tiny body so you can be all clean." Miku tells me as she continues to rub the soap over the rest of my body like my stomach, neck and legs, giggling when she gets to my tiny feet.

After my bath she dries me off and rubs a cloth over my head and I giggle at the sensation as she tries to dry my mess of colorful hair, that is now more noticeable due to the lack of dirt. After drying me off, she grabs the cloth that she placed on the table beside the door. I look at the cloth in her hands and tilt me head.

After dressing me up I look at myself in the mirror "So pretty!" I say with a smile on my face as I reach down and grab the soft blue fabric with my hands. I'm wearing this pretty blue dress that covers my legs, high enough to show my feet, it has another layer for the top part that is a dark purple, it's plain and simple, and the colors complement each other, with a black ribbon like cloth holding the purple fabric in place and black flats on my feet. "Thank you, Miku! I love it." she smiles down at me "It's no problem little miss, my job is to make sure your properly dressed and cleaned. Now lets see what we can do about that hair." Miku tells me as I smile, "It's ok! You can just leave it as it is." I tell her but she smiles and shakes her head, "Well, can I at least brush the tangles out and we can just leave it down. Sound good?" Miku says and I smile and shake my head yes.

She grabs what I assume is a brush as she tries to tame my shoulder length messy uneven locks of black hair with vibrant red, blue, green, yellow, and white strips of color. After she brushed it with some difficulty, she leads me out of the room and I notice that the bed is now made, I tilt my head to the side but don't give it any thought as I follow miss Miku out into the hall, as she leads me to our destination, I decide to look around at the tall walls, noticing windows lining the hall with red cloth on each side of them.

Before I know it we enter into another room, which is bigger with a table full of bickering dragons and Hiryuu seated at the front, with food decorating the table, I beam up at them when I notice that there now looking at me with Ouryuu waving me over, "Miss! Over here! Come join us!" he yells out to me with a smile and his hand up in the air waving in my direction. I beam up at the sight and run over to the empty seat next to him and push myself up on to it with a little difficulty due to my shortness, but eventually manage to get into the chair and sit down on it, only to realize that I'm still too short with only the top of my head sticking up over the table.

Hearing snickering from someone on the other side of the table I puff my cheeks out at my shortness, grasping the table edge I stand up on the chair and look at the direction the snickering is coming from only to see Ryokuryuu, snickering. I puff my cheeks out with a small blush of embarrassment before spotting a small stack of books on a small table. Smiling I jump down from the chair and run over to the 2 thick books and grab both of them, surprised by the weight I nearly drop them, wobbling a bit, but then easily getting used to it and walk over to my chair to put them on the seat, then climbing back up onto the chair sitting down on the books. I look over at the others across the table that I am now level with, only to see looks of surprise on their faces, I close my eyes and smile, showing my teeth.

"Well, would you look at that. She's a cleaver one." I hear Hakuryuu say.

"Here you go miss!" I hear from beside me, I turn to the right to see Ouryuu handing me an apple. I smile up at him and take it in my small hands, "Thank you" I say before realizing I don't know either of their names besides King Hiryuu, "Ummmm.. I don't think I got your name?" I say tilting my head to the side.

"Zeno's my name!" the Ouryuu says as he smiles down at me and I smile up at him, "Thank you Zeno!" I say before looking down at the apple taking a small bite out of it and chewing the yummy fruit with a smile. I look over at the other three dragons after I finish chewing, "So, what's your names?" I ask as I look at Ryokuryuu who starts talking. "The name's Shu-Ten, I'm the Ryokuryuu." he says with a pointy smile pointing to himself. I turn to Hakuryuu who starts to introduce himself, "I'm Gu-En, the Hakuryuu" He says proudly. I turn to the Seiryuu who only looks at me, before finally speaking up "Abi" he says before continuing to eat.

"Well, Zeno, Shu-Ten, Gu-En, and Abi." I say as I smile at them, "It's nice to meet you." I beam up at them

"Oh! That reminds me." Zeno says as he looks down at me getting my attention along with everyone else. "We came up with the perfect name for you" He says cheerily, and I beam up at him with sparkles in my eyes. "Really!" I say "Yeah, Seiryuu here came up with it." Gu-En tells me smirking down at the slightly blushing Seiryuu by his side. "Yeah, what do you think of Hisui?" Zeno tells me as I beam up at them. "Hisui" I say outload, testing it out, "I love it!"

"I'm Hisui, The Ryuu" I say introducing myself properly with a giant smile on my face as the rest of them smile down at my cheerful expression glad that I like the name.

I finally have a name, and a home. This is the best day of my life

The Dragon that was Born into KoukaWhere stories live. Discover now