"Y/N? Where have you been the whole day?"

She slowly lifted her gaze, to be met with Lizzy, Caleb, Aidan standing in front of her, though they held concerned expressions.

"Bloody hell, Y/N don't ever disappear like, we were worried sick!" Lizzy scolded as she swatted the Ravenclaw's shoulder, though Y/N only stared at all of them puzzledly.

Caleb noticed as she snickered and tilted her head questioningly, "What's up with you?" he questioned with a quirk of an eyebrow.

The Ravenclaw slowly shook her head as she eyed the group quizzically, "You're not mad?" she questioned softly, earning a snicker from the three.

"No, we are." Aidan scoffed as he motioned next to the Ravenclaw and swung an arm over her shoulder, "Though, we were too busy being worried about your whereabouts to be actually mad."

The Ravenclaw only furrowed deeper into confusion, "What?"

Caleb snickered as he nodded his head towards the common room, "How about we talk back in the common room, there's a lot of explaining we have to do."

The Ravenclaw reluctantly nodded before she felt herself being tugged up into the common room by Aidan.

As they entered the common room, Y/N noticed the raven-haired boy already seated on one of the blue sofas, scrolling through his phone as he waited for the Ravenclaw's arrival.

Though, the sound of them barging in caught the raven-haired boy's attention as he shut his phone and stood up, approaching the Ravenclaw with a comforting smile, which added on to her confusion.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day long." Harry questioned calmly to which Caleb and Lizzy hummed in response, "We'd like to know too, if we hadn't bump into you, you would be seeing missing posters of your face all over the walls." Lizzy retaliated playfully.

Though, the Ravenclaw didn't laugh, instead she stared at the group quizzically, "I thought all of you wouldn't want to see me so I hid myself at the Owlery all day, watching over Owlfred."

Caleb laughed at the girl's response, "Why wouldn't we want to see you?" he countered back as Aidan nodded in agreement, "We searched all over for you, we were worried you'd hurt yourself with everything going on."

"Yeah, we know how bad you can get, especially with everything that happened today, we wanted to check up on you." Lizzy assured genuinely, earning a thankful grin from Y/N.

Though, she still had questions in the back of her head, "But you're not mad at me? For not telling you?" she questioned curiously, earning a soft snicker from the raven-haired boy.

"I wasn't mad, just quite disappointed that you kept it from me for so long." Harry stated, though he wasn't holding a frown, or an angry expression, instead a heartwarming smile.

Though, Lizzy shook her head, "You talk for yourself, Harry. But we, we were furious!" she boomed as Caleb nodded and appeared beside Lizzy, "Then, Angelique came to us and tried to explain everything.We were skeptical at first but when she mentioned about everything you had to deal with, we sort of let it go."

Aidan hummed agreeing as he patted Y/N on the shoulder, "Especially when we heard about you and Hermione, we were worried you might've done something stupid."

The Ravenclaw shot Aidan an unamused glare, though it only lasted a few seconds before her expression fell to one with full remorse, "So..you don't think that I prefer Angelique over all of you?" she whispered out softly, earning more snickers from the group.

"Are you serious? How could she compete with us, we've known you ever since first year!" Caleb boomed, earning a swat on the shoulder from Lizzy as she shot him a scolding glare.

Caleb only shrugged playfully in return, Lizzy then shifted her gaze back to the Ravenclaw, "But in all seriousness, we knew the reason behind you keeping it from us, you just didn't want us to worry."

"You've been hiding things from us ever since first year, we aren't surprised really, we knew you though it's for the best. But seriously, next time, tell us, it might've saved you from your relationship if you had. We're all family here." Aidan stated knowingly, earning a sigh from the ravenclaw.

"I know..I'm sorry..I really am, it's just, I was scared, that dream it had quite an affect on me and yeah.. I didn't want to worry any of you." Y/N murmured sincerely, earning a comforting side hug from the raven-haired boy.

"It's alright, we're all fine now, though I can't say the same for Hermione and Ron." Harry sighed, earning a curious look from the Ravenclaw, "How is she?"

The raven-haired boy scratched the back of his head nervously before letting out another sigh, "She took it quite hard on herself, she's only been hiding in the library indulged in a book or locked in her dorm..I tried talking to her, though she didn't really seem up for it."

The Ravenclaw groaned as she slumped down to the sofa, burying her face into her palms, "I'm not surprised, what I said back there...it was stupid, I shouldn't have blew up on her."

The group exchanged apologetic looks before Y/N felt a dip to the seat beside her, hearing Lizzy let out a soft sigh as she rubbed the Ravenclaw's back comfortingly, "It's not totally your fault..What we heard from Pansy was a totally twisted version of what Angelique told us"

Y/N slowly turned her gaze to meet Lizzy's, raising her eyebrow curiously at the blonde-haired girl, "What did Pansy tell all of you?"

Caleb sighed as he took a seat on the sofa beside them, he held a serious expression on his face as his hands were clasped together on his lap, "She told us that she was talking to Angelique before you intentionally came to the library to talk to both Pansy and Angelique ."

Aidan hummed as he took the seat on the beanbag next to Caleb, "Yeah, she told us how you all were having a great talk, had great laughs and all that , then she went on about you telling her about your father."

"Then, she mentioned something about you saying you don't trust enough to talk about the dream, saying how we're all just some backup friends." Harry continued, earning a dumbfounded expression from the Ravenclaw.

Without realization, a sudden fume of anger rose throughout her entire body, "She really said all that?! Not a single part of her story was true!" she fumed, "I hadn't seen Pansy at all when I was at the library! Angelique told me how she bumped into Pansy who was clearly eavesdropping on our entire conversation!"

Lizzy sensed the heated tension from the Ravenclaw as she reached down to her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze, in attempt to calm the girl, "We know the truth now, it's fine-"

"It's not fine! This twisted story costed me my relationship! None of this is 'fine'!" Y/N interjected, she had leaped up to her two feet angrily, her jaw and fists were tightly clenched together, the boiling anger inside of her was about to explode anytime soon.

Without another word, the Ravenclaw stomped towards the door, the group exchanged concerned and knowing glances before Caleb leaped up to his feet, "Y/N, where do you think you're going?!"

However, the Ravenclaw couldn't care less, "Putting Voldemort's blood in good use for once." she growled as she swung the door open, she could hear footsteps trailing behind her but her anger level was to high for her to care.

She descended the staircase, with each step her anger rose higher and higher, oblivious to the raven-haired boy trailing behind her, "Y-Y/N..it's not worth it-"

"Don't worry, I'm only interested for a little. Talk."


short chapter for today, my creative juices aren't flowing, i'll try to make tmr's chapter longer..

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