I sat in the cart and Aiden decided it would be fun to try and scare me by driving really fast in and out of the aisles. We missed the wet floor sign and lost balanced and skidded all the way into the soda section. There was a huge explosion of sodas and all the bottles spilt everywhere.

Aiden got kicked out but I managed to cry my way out of it because I'm an expert and a genius.

"I'm going to lock the doors. Please stay in your room." He said as he walked out the front door.

I heard the familiar click of the lock indicating the door had been locked and made my way up to my room. I had no one to play with!

I skipped down the hallway and peeked inside Aidens room. A little prank won't hurt. I thought to myself with a smirk. I double checked both ends of the hallway despite knowing that no ones home and Benjamin's asleep, and tiptoed in Aiden's room. Right, what do we do?

I looked around his very messy room trying to think of something I can do. I can't damage anything or I will get into too much trouble, however I can't just do a tiny prank. I have a reputation to uphold.

I sat on his bed and brainstormed a few ideas. I can't repeat any pranks that I've already done. I can't copy a prank he's pulled. I have to be original. Unique.

After a couple minutes I finally thought of a genius plan. How on earth did I not think of this earlier?!

I quickly jumped off of his bed and ran out of his room and into the store room.

I remember just last year when Ben bought a bunch of alarm clocks because Aiden kept throwing his against the wall every morning and would break them. However he stopped using alarm clocks because Ben spent too much money on them so now Ben himself wakes him up every morning.

Now, we still have at least 10 alarm clocks just sitting in the storeroom. Perfect for my prank!

This morning Aiden had to use an alarm clock since Benjamin is asleep. He'll most likely be off tomorrow as well.

Once I switched the light on, I walked into my bathroom and picked up my step stool so I could reach the box. There's no way I'm risking blowing my cover. Plus I feel bad that poor Benjamin is ill.

Using my stepping stool, I reached up on the shelf and managed to get the box of alarm clocks successfully without making any noise.

I set it on the floor and pushed it out of the room and into mine.

Time to figure out how to set the alarms.

It took me a good 10 minutes to figure out how to use the alarm clocks and my big brain realised they'll need batteries which we luckily had.

I pushed the box into Aiden's room and set the rest of the alarms. Aiden usually takes a 3 hour nap after school every Wednesday since he doesn't have any football practice, the perfect opportunity to put my plan in action.

I managed to successfully hide all 10 alarm clocks around his room right before Austin came back.

I heard the front door open and rustling of bags being put down in the hallway.

Without wasting another second, I quickly picked up the empty box and put it back in the storeroom before rushing down the stairs as innocent as ever.

"Did you get my pretzels?" I asked as I climbed up on a stood.

"Of course I did!" He said with a grin and handed me the bag.

"Why do you look like that?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Look like what? Cute? Well Austin at your big age you'd think you know what genes are." I said as I munched on my pretzels.

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