Chapter 16. Family stuff

Start from the beginning

Timon: "Well-well, isn't it old Rafiki. How's your day going?"

Rafiki: "It was good, being a wise mandrill it's not an easy job."

Timon: "Aren't you're working as a medical teacher?"

Rafiki: "Yes, I work as medical teacher. Don't you remember?"

Timon: "Sometimes I forgot what your job is."

Pumbaa: "Long time I didn't see you old Rafiki."

Rafiki: "Me too."

They both shake hands but were interrupted by Timon.

Timon: "I don't want to interrupt four of you guys but we could have a talk on the inside of our new house instead on the outside.

Simba: "Timon was right, let's have a talk inside their house."

House Mansion

Back in the pridelands, Kovu spend a lot of time with Kion practicing Taekwondo in the gym room, Kovu is not insterested in any martial arts or any self-defense but at least he need some fighting technics as his own self-defense to protect himself against any attackers. Kion only teach him 3 simple fighting technics.

Kion: "So. Kovu, what do you learn today?"

Kovu: "I learn 3 simple kicking technics today. Front kick, side kick and roundhouse kick."

Kion: "Good, if the attacker had a knife. What would you do?"

Kovu: "Uhh..."

Kion: "Just run unless you skilled enough to avoid any of the incoming attacks."

Kovu: "What if the attacker had a gun?"

Kion: "First, any attacker that has a gun comes from city alleyway or city alley, right?"

Kovu: "Uhh, yeah. That's correct."

Kion: "Second. What the hell you doing walking on a city alley, you got a car and a license. Why don't you just use your car?"

Kovu: "That make sense."

Kion: "I know,"

Kovu: "Practicing taekwondo sure is tiring, huh?"

Kion: "Yeah, but what's worse is to split your leg."

Kovu: "I can split my leg and do the basic sitting stretches and the split stretch."

Kion: "If you're join the Taekwondo class, the most painful thing is spliting your legs but it's also important to kick your opponent in the head."

Kovu: "How does it feel like? What age did you join the Taekwondo class?"

Kion: "I've must have forgot to tell you but I joined the Taekwondo class at the age of 7 and I tried spliting my legs for the first time, I cried.... a lot."

Kovu: "That's gonna be painful."

Kion: "Well, no shit."

Kovu: "Isn't that trophy yours?" he pointed his finger to a bunch of trophies at the trophy cabinet

Kion: "Around eight of those are my trophies and the rest is belong to my dad."

Kovu: "Well, he is worldchampion and a professional boxer. Can you tell me more? About eight of those trophy of yours."

Kion: "Long story short. I've been Taekwondo champion for four times."

Kovu: "Four?"

Kion: "Yes, the other two is champion in Kenpo and the other two is Judo."

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